Help identifying white covering thing in the picture.

I want to build a roof just like the one in the picture, but I don’t know the name of that white strip thing that is covering the rafters (The one circled in red).
Could you tell me the name of it and where can I buy it?
Also, are the end grains of the 3 beams also covered by the same material or is it just white painting?
And, how can I attach it to the beam without any nail or screw heads being visible?
You mean the rafter? Wood applied over the rafter ,if that is the case, is called fascia and it's usually wood( could be metal) and it's available at lumberyards. Ask for " wood". To hide nail holes on a to be painted surface use putty.
It does appear from the photo that there is a end cap on the ends of those beams. There are other ways to get that effect though, such as epoxy filled ,sanded and painted. All of that could be anodized metal though it's hard to tell. You hire a tinker for that. They make it to specifications or on site.
We used to call that stuff "paint."
Haaaa...beat me to it.
All is paint except the drip flashing that is nailed under the membrane that sits under the shingles.
A bit of topic but if you decide to go with the beams sticking out past the fascia boards best to cover them with some form of flashing and back cut the ends at about 7 degrees so water won't get at the end grain. I typically use copper flashing. Much easier to work with than standard metal flashing.
I think you might be asking about the Fascia board
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