I’m new to this so I’m just trying to get a feel for it.
I have to participate in a forum for a class project and have had a subscription to Fine Woodworking for a while now and thought this would be a good place to start.
I would appreciate any advice I can get!
Hmmmm . . . let me seeeeee . . . Ok . . .
1. Don't kiss girls you'll get germs.
2. Always brush your teeth because you know you won't be able to hold out for long against # 1
3. Learn to draw, that way if you find your self behind enemy lines you can always ask "where's the girls" using pictures you've drawn.
4. Always carry a dollar bill; if you get a casing cut on your bicycle tire you can put the bill between the hole and the new tube you are putting in.
5. Always have one or more spare tubes with you on your bicycle.
. . . . well . . . I hope that helps.
Don't listen to anything roc say's except maybe the time it takes to sharpen an ax. He uses an Apple computer and uploaded posts are encrypted on his computer - his answers are baffling.
Here's what to do: buy all the tools you see, move the furniture out of the house to create a larger working area, and always wear eye protection.
Advice as requested
It's also a good idea to sign your posts with a real first name. Otherwise, we'll be forced to address you as something like "Cus". ;-)
Well ?
"participate" being the key word here I believe.
In the fine old movie To Have and To Have Not
Lauren Bacall has just kissed Humphrey Bogart for the first time.
Bogart says "What did you do that for ?"
Bacall says " I wanted to know if I would like it ".
He says "Well"?
She says "I liked it. I want more ".
She kisses him again and then says to him "It's even better when you help".
you were doing so good!
At what ? Talking to my self ?
Yah I got that down pat.
Think we will ever hear from Cus ?
I bet not.
Are you working on anything interesting ? I'm sure you are. Come on . . . lets see . . .
just doing mainly
restoration work; keeps the wolf from the door. have a cabinet to build out of E. brown oak that will gp on a stand. it will have to house some old and some new ceramics. one is a "Hamada" piece and another is a Wayne Ngan piece. there are also others.
1 drawer -1 piece
I doubt that he will be back; is that what you really want to achieve? everyone has to start somewhere.
this is really funny information. but there are some useful tips are also providede there. so if any one can set thos tips in their work then there are many chances that you might be in right way.
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