here is a photo of a few sticks of qswo that have been passed thru my delta planer. I had this in for service and though they didn’t charge much, I’m not sure they did much more than I could have. My results have been like this since I put the blades on upside down. I’m afraid i’ve ruined my planer
The wood is thicker on one side than the other by several thousandths
and the actual cutter head appears to be higher by 1/8 on one end.
if you can tell me if this planer is salvageable or not i’d appreciate it. I’m just sick about this but the planer is less than usable right now. Also, I planed some poplar with fairly decent results as long as I was careful to plane in every direction to acount for the tilt. This is the first time i’ve used qswo, though i’ve passed a couple hundred feet of red oak thru this before my screw up, without any issues. I posted this in knots also and was advised to ask you. I apologize for the cross posting.
rowlet tx.
Bill, Rowlett tx
Edited 1/31/2009 3:48 pm ET by bkewin
Without actually seeing the machine I can't give you a definite answer. I suspect that whoever serviced the machine must have been fairly clueless if they returned it to you in that condition.
If excessive stress is placed on the head of the machine it can be forced out of alignment but it can be realigned fairly easily if nothing was actually broken. The service guy should have inspected the machine for bent or broken parts and then realigned it if nothing needed replacement. This isn't rocket science, he should have either located damage and told you about it or he should have gotten it straightened out, apparently he did neither.
A good service tech should be able to figure out what is wrong and if it is worth repairing.
John White
So I broke this thing down a bit in good light and started measuring heights and depths and what all and noticed that one of the self aligning blades was about 3/32 out of align from one end to the other. Entirely my fault as in good light it was pretty obvious and I am mystified as to how I missed this before. Thanks for the encouragement.Best regards
Edited 2/1/2009 11:58 am ET by bkewin
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