does anyone have info on what the best material is to line storage drawers that will hold pistols? From an old thread –possibly S&W Custom Shop could help me — are you there?
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making sawdust
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If the drawer is just for storage, not display, I'd put each pistol in a separate fleece lined zippered pouch with a little oil on it. Mine are stored like that and don't get rusty or scratched. If it's for display, go to an industrial supply house and see what the impregnated paper/foil is that they wrap precision measuring tools in.
thanks Rob-- I think he will use as both storage and display--there will be a heat source inside the cabinet--a 110 v. cyclinder looking element --in a thread back in Apr , they said some material [like velvet] actually drew moisture--which would not be a good choice-- when I ask this question at the local cloth world ,they can't help me-- what concerns me is -- I put in the heat rod ,design the interior to create updraft chimneys,mim drawer clearance and then defeat all that by putting in the wrong material for drawer lining-- I 'm hoping that someone who reads this has run into this situation and can give me some advice --thanksmaking sawdust
The closest I can come to protecting exposed steel objects in drawers is a few years ago I built 2 drawers from camphor wood to hold steel shaper knives in my shop in So. Calif. It kept them from rusting, but it wasn't a particularly good looking wood. I recently used some nicely figured camphor for a set of table legs, so maybe if you could find some nice stuff it might work and look good too.
very interesting-- because the drawers are all together--I could use 1/4 and line the drawers-- do you think if all 16 drawers were lined--the odor would be too much-it is quite strong-- someone else maybe could expand a little more on this subjectmaking sawdust
I am a custom gunstock maker so I have some experience with the issue. What region will the case be in? If it is high humidity, things like fleece are a bad idea.
Are you worried about protecting the finish from wear or moisture? The two are someone opposing issues.
Michael Bush
hi Michael-- this is hi humidity area--Tampa- but his house is A-C--if that helps--I'm not sure how to answer part 2--I do not know what his collection consists of - I shall find out if he uses them or just shows them- perhaps both-- I will get back to youmaking sawdust
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