Bought a Groz bench vise from Woodcrafters. It appears that the movable side is not parallel to the other and the top closes sooner than the bottom.
Is this normal? Should it be adjsuted?
Humble Newbie
Bought a Groz bench vise from Woodcrafters. It appears that the movable side is not parallel to the other and the top closes sooner than the bottom.
Is this normal? Should it be adjsuted?
Humble Newbie
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It's normal and supposed to compensate for the inevitable racking which will occur.
You can test it by clamping up a piece of wood in the top half of the vice and checking to see how parallel the faces end up. If you want to correct any residual "error" you can do this by shaping the wooden jaws when you make them.
Be aware that when you clamp something on one side of the vice you will also get racking.
It's normal for the top of the movable jaw to cant in towards the table, so that when the vice closes the top makes contact with the piece being held, and holds it in place until full pressure is applied. When full pressure is applied, that will straighten out the jaw. Normally you'd put a wooden liner on each jaw to prevent damage to the piece. The liner should be of a consistent thickness so that you still have a cant.
Thanks for the input. Saved me a trip to the store with a really silly complaint.
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