Check this deal out! Any thoughts/concerns before I order mine?
Check this deal out! Any thoughts/concerns before I order mine?
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Whoa! Pretty darn nice!
Well, I didn't read anything bad about Grizzly jointers and since I've already got several machines from them, and never a problem, I'll be ordering my 8" longbed Monday.
I'm so geeked!!!
Looks good and the price is right but I don't like the hand wheels. They mentioned jack screws, are they an option? They didn't show them with their accsessories.
Just wondering why you don't like hand wheels?
I find that they make fine adjustment easier.
Most of the time I leave my jointer set for a 1/32" cut. Then unless I need to take a twist out of a board it stays at 1/32" & I joint one side & one edge square cut the other side & edge to with in 1/32", one final pass on the jointer for the edge & a final pass theough the planer on the side & its ready for use.
Edited 1/11/2003 5:52:50 PM ET by Bart
Bart, Its not that I don't like handwheels, I have them on my old Delta/Rockwell jointer. After checking out machines with levers I just would rather them. They also lock at the position you put them in. Its just a nicer feel. Petey
Ahhhh, did you just get your new catalog, or was this a web special? Heard lots of good things about the 8", and my Jet (6" of course) has handwheels -- I like 'em. Easy to get relatively precise with them.
Go for it!
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Did I say jack screws, I meant levers , It was late! I have been scratching my head for a year now over a new jointer. First it was the long bed powermatic. My local tool guy keeps pushing me towards the DJ20. Then delta came out with the middle of the road 8". I just the other day got a call from my tool guy to tell me they will be selling the DJ20 in a month or so for about $1200. Anyone out there know of a better deal? Is it worth settling for the grizly?
Don't think you'll have to "settle" for the Grizzly - it's a damn good machine and I'll bet it's every bit as good as the Delta, if not better.
A lucky quirk of fate found two new 8" jointers in my shop at the same time. A Grizzly (with levers) and a DJ20. The Delta's finer finish allows the fence and beds to slide smoother, but not $600 worth of smoother.
Both are outstanding and either will do for 99% of us. I put both up for sale intending to let the first one go that got my price. Not supprisingly, the Grizzly went first.
I now use the DJ20 and abosutely love it. I'm sure that I would have been very satisfied with the Griz having used both side by side. The $600 difference in price makes the Grizzley the choice for woodworkers on a budget. I my opinion they are both great machines!
Okay, im sold. But are levers an option? Petey
Levers were standard on the 8". Its this new model that has wheels. I'd bet that a few calls to dealers in your area would locate a model with levers if that what you want. Good Luck.
I just had a similar experience. I talked myself into saving the money and buying the Griz. I ordered over the internet (the 1018WH) and went to bed thinking the decision had been made. The next day I got an e-mail from Grizzly saying that they were back ordered on that model (apparently waiting for the new model). Anyway I took it as a sign and ordered the DJ-20 from Amazon. It was shipped the next day. I love it (after having drug it to the Basement) and am very glad I went that way.
It's not unusual for Grizzly to be back-ordered on a popular product, especially if your order hits either (a) during one of their annual sales or (b) at Christmas. Doesn't usually take much time for the next shipment though. Glad you like your Delta though.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Part of the price difference between Delta and Grizzly/Sunhill might be explained by your experience. Carrying inventory costs money. Of course, this added cost has nothing to do with the quality of the machine.
Jim, what was the final price that you paid? Petey
I paid $1349 w/ no tax and no freight. I could have talked the local Rocklers or Woodcraft into the same price or less, but I would have to pay sales tax and that would have made it more than Amazon.
Thanks Jim, I'll see if my local guy can meet that price. Like I said they have a yearly sale where every week they have great specials on big ticket items. Petey
Just got the new Tool Crib (Amazon) catalog and there is a $100 rebate on the DJ-20 1/1/03-3/31/03. Good news for you - not so good for me (I missed it by a week).
Jim, that must be why I can get it foe 1200.00 Petey
Great news for you. Jump on it, there is a difference and you'll be glad you spent the extra money.
I have the slightly older 1018 from grizzley. It has the levers and I normally just leave them set. it's a little more hit or miss to set depth with the levers and for that reasons I wouldn't mind having the wheels but I am sooooooooo happy with mine that I cannot begin to say enough kind things..
Mine has jointed over 20,000 bd.ft. of wood, everything from white oak to eastern white pine. I did break one of the three drive belts, I finished up the stack I was jointing on two belts and went to the nearby auto parts store and got a $5.00 replacement..
It's super easy to set the blade depth after sharpening with the jig they send along with it. I love the aircraft carrier length since so much of what I do is ten to twenty feet long.
They are wonderful people and if there ever is any problem give them a call and it will be solved,,, wish I could say the same about the delta stuff I've bought.
this is the exact same machine as my Sunhill 8"... they even went with the same 4 knive cutterhead. Both machines are made by GeeTech.
the only difference is that the Sunhill is $739, about $50 less than the Grizzly.
At a quick glance, I see several specs that are different between these two machines:
cutterhead speed (rpm)
therefore, cuts per minute (22,000/Grizzly vs. 18,000/Sunhill)
size of the table extensions
shipping weight (39lb. difference)
These do not appear to be identical machines based on the published specs.
The price-tag may or may not be "advantage Sunhill." The $739 price tag from Sunhill is a sale price, although I'd not be surprised if the sale goes on indefinitely. Stock price for the Grizzly is $795, +$75 shipping anywhere in the lower 48. One of the things I like about Grizzly, albeit minor, is that their shipping price is a standard charge, no matter where you live. It could be that they're able to do this because they have 3 showrooms in the US.
Have to say though, since Sunhill is based in Seattle, I'm definitely going to check out their stuff. I didn't realize they were so close to me! The drive's not as scenic as going to Bellingham (Grizzly), but a time-saver for sure!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
you are correct, there are a couple of differences:
- the tables on the sunhill are 9" wide vs. 8" for the grizzly... I'll bet that is where the weight difference comes in. It also appears that the tables on the grizzly do not rely on extensions for the extra length. Probably an updated design from Geetech, they make all of these machines.
- cutterhead speed is higher on the grizzly, likely is a different pulley.
As for the 'sale price', that's what I paid last year for my sunhill, so I would assume that is the regular price. By the way, the 'standard shipping charge' is only beneficial if you live far from the origination point, the Sunhill shipping was $90 to california.
After looking at both machines, you have to admit the similarities are strikingly close... close enough to accept that they are made by the same factories.
There was an extensive discussion in one of the recent magaines about 8 in. jointers but I haven't located it again. But the summary, as I recall, is that the Grizzly is a quality machine and more reasonalbly priced than any of the other top rated machines. I do note that the ad in the front of American Woodworker, Jan 03, has the machine for $695. The machine has wheels. I have had both levers and wheels. My current machine has a lever on the infeed and wheel on the outfeed table, which I consider optimum. This gives the fine adjustment necessary for the outfeed and the quick change capability for the infeed. That is probably a matter of choice, but, since I change mine regularly, even on successive cuts, the lever is handier. You don't have to lean down to grab the wheel. The feature of great importance is to have a machine with the longest bed, and straight, for jointing long boards for edge glue ups.
Are you saying that the casting is different 'tween the Sunhill and the Grizzly?
9" wide table on Sunhill compared to an 8" on the grizzly?
I'd definitely buy the Sunhill if that's true.
The Sunhill uses 3" extensions whereas the Grizzly uses 5" ones, that's why Grizzly's bed is longer. It's in their catalog.The proof is in the puddin'
The Grizzly does have extensions, they're just a different size than the Sunhill's. Strikingly close, yes, identical, no. Same factory? I don't have the vaguest :-).forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Do you know where the other showrooms are? Also do you have to pay tax on out of state sales? Petey
The Grizzly showrooms are in Bellingham, WA; Muncy, PA; and Springfield MO. Click here for link to the web site. You can order a free catalog on their site.
I would assume out-of-state sales are tax-exempt. I have to pay tax, because I live in WA.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Hello again, I just checked out that web site and compared it to the original which stated this whole line of info. The difference, it appears to me, are 5" extensions ( I would think are bolted on ) which bring the bed from 65 to 75" and a four knife cutterhead. The 65" bed is available with either levers or handwheels. The 65" bed is $695.00 , the 75" is just under $800.00 ( no levers! ) I am still scratching my head!!! Petey
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