Can anyone recommend a good book on built-in cabinetry? I’m experienced with free-standing furniture and planning a wall of cabinets with bookshelves on top and a window seat.
Can anyone recommend a good book on built-in cabinetry? I’m experienced with free-standing furniture and planning a wall of cabinets with bookshelves on top and a window seat.
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"Built In Furniture" by Jim Tolpin (Taunton Press) is a pretty good reference book on the subject.
I should be more specific. I'm looking for details on design, construction, and installation.Pete
It has a lot of design info and fair amount of construction stuff too. I used quite a bit from it.
I second Napie's mention of "Built-In Furniture. Great photos, lots of ideas from different designers, also several "how it was built" diagrams and installation tips. Gary
Not a book, but take a look at This site will give you some good ideas on built in cabinet details.
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