I am building a TV stand cabinet with a door below the TV to hide the ugly DVR & Sony internet tv/blue ray player & want to use dark glass in the door. I am assuming the remote will “talk” through the dark glass. Any feedback?
I am building a TV stand cabinet with a door below the TV to hide the ugly DVR & Sony internet tv/blue ray player & want to use dark glass in the door. I am assuming the remote will “talk” through the dark glass. Any feedback?
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dark glass
Depends on the remote and the room conditions, as well as the darkness of the glass. I had problems once and the client had to get one of those remote eye re-transmitter devices to make his system work.
I have also seen problems with clear glass in a bright room when the remote was at a steep angle.
I would get a sample of the glass and prop it in front of your reciver ,cable box, satelite etc. and do a little testing .
Good luck,
If you want to be sure use an RF remote and it does not matter. If you have a uf one, you can buy a converter that will provide a sensor and transmitter that you can put in front of your receiving devices (most have double sided tape) and it will convert them. Also remember to provide cooling if the cabinet is to be closed. U don't want to cook your equipment.
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