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Curious if someone has built a futon is the past and if so, could you tell me approx time to build?
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Curious if someone has built a futon is the past and if so, could you tell me approx time to build?
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Time to build depends on a many factors: design, choice of materials, the starting condition of the wood you decide to use, tools available (and their condition), builder's skill, and finish. Without knowing those details it would be impossible to give even a rough estimate.
The primary determinant of the building time would be the design. I could design a simple, and functional, futon bed frame that I could build in a day, but I could also envision a real showpiece that would take two weeks to make.
Basic rules for design if you are trying to save time:
Keep it simple. Avoid fussy joinery and large glue ups. Use screws, bolts and knock down hardware where appropriate rather than traditional joinery.
Use as much dimensioned lumber, sheet goods, and stock hardware as possible.
Keep everything square and straight, curves eat up time quickly.
Moving parts, such drawers, doors, and folding mechanisms, add a lot of time to a job.
Paint covers a lot of (minor) faults in workmanship and unattractive wood. A wipe on oil/varnish finish is fast and simple for a clear finish.
Hope this helps, John W.
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