Furniture design – dressing up the re…

‘>’I teach high school woodworking classes and am having some difficulty with teaching how to design and adorn projects. Students are stuck in the square box – rectilinear trap. If anyone could point me to some reference material on base trim, leg/foot styles, proportioning, etc… that I can use to enliven our creativity that would be great. There is a well done article in fww #139 by Graham Blackburn intitled “Designing Table Legs”Any more information along those lines would be greatly appreciated – Thanks
Bryon, Here are 2 publications that might be of interest to you:
Fine Woodworking #108, an article by Phil Lowe, "Dressing up a Basic Box." The first sentence summarizes the article: "Easily applied elements can dramatically alter a cabinet's appearance." (Deals with applying molding and precast ornaments to the basic cabinet carcase.)
A book by Garth Graves, "The Woodworker's Guide to Furniture Design." Publisher is Betterway Books.
Seems like there are not that many H.S. woodshop classes any more, so best wishes for your success.
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