Hi Folks, Has anyone worked with Mulberry? I pruned one back last fall and just for grins saved a couple of the bigger branches, about 6″ in diameter. You are supposed to prune it every year back to the nubs but I didn’t so that is actually a fairly large branch.
Anyway I resawed it and have three small 5/8th thick boards that are nice looking. Very white with yellow and tannish gold streaks.
Just wondering if anyone has worked with it and how they liked or didn’t like it.
Thanks, Brian
The mulberry I've worked with has been easy to work, but turns a plain dull brown after awhile. Since you're dealing with branches, you will have reaction wood so don't expect stability in anything of length. Good for turning, maybe?
Dull brown huh? Too bad. I plan on using it for a very small box so stability may not be an issue.
Thx, Brian
if your wood is from branch it may be mostly sapwood and I don't know if that turns brown or not.
The pieces I got (milled) are only about 6" wide with alot of sapwood. We'll see. The box I plan on makeing will be very small for sentimental purposes. Just to say I cut the lumber, milled it and made something of it. I do have a couple bigger logs (not much bigger) if this works out OK.
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