Just found this program, recommended by a fellow forum member, free, small and easy to use. Note that it will do “batch” resizing, which is a big time-saver. For those of you who care about the folks who are still on dial-up, take a look!
forestgirl — you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can’t take the forest out of the girl 😉
Another proud member of the “I Rocked With ToolDoc Club” …. :>)
Thanks FG, that looks useful-so it means I can take huge pics and then sqeeze them out without losing detail;)? I'll be trying it out.
And----I downloaded this without a tragedy. I say this because on *3 occasions now I have lost all my bookmarks on FFox after having d/loaded something: it was Plaxo the last time as I recall. I have resorted to running two list now-the other on Internet Explorer-how daft is that?
Can some soul explain how this happens, or even better, explain how to retrieve all my 'lost' bookmarks?
*In fact it has happened so many times that I am no longer able to lose my temper over it.
Philip..You should have a back-up file of your bookmarks..Not sure what version you have but..It can be found in something like this.. My directory shown.. Your mileage may differ......C:Documents and SettingsWill GeorgeApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles2qirtqsw.defaultYou should see bookmarks.html and bookmarks.bak someplace like shown above.. Make sure you FireFox IS NOT running.. Rename bookmarks.bak (make a copy first) to bookmarks.html and re-start FireFox.. Should work...Not sure why you are missing the bookmarks but I have heard that Ad-Ware killers can cause it if you run and just tell the software to delete without checking what you deleted.. I could be wrong..
Keep in mind that (near as I can tell) you can't crop with that program, so you need to frame the photo to concentrate on the object of interest and not encompass a bunch of surrounding stuff that'll unnecessarily clutter things up.
Hope you can get help with FF. I only use it when IE is giving me problems, so I don't know how to back up the bookmarks. Once you figure it out, you'll be all set.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Hi All,
Here's the link to download the one that I use - free and excellent at image resizing.
Great tool. Thanks,
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