Most of the the Forstner bits I have look at off the shelf, including some of the more familiar wood working supply stores, looked like the plowing edges needed to be sharpened before they could be used.
Can someone recommend a manufacturer and supplier that has a bit sharp enough to be used out of the box?
Thanks in advace for your help.
Get the Lee Valley ones. Great bit and prices. The other option is WL Fuller. I find the LV ones to be just as good for a fraction of the price and we use them professionally.
I've used Grizzly's bits with a lot of success, never have sharpened one. I use all the way up to their 3 1/8th inch sizes.
I too would recommend the bits from Lee Valley.
"It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts."
John Wooden 1910-
i agree with rick l get the leevfalley ones. io have used them with excellent results. also bormax brand from woodcraft. a bit pricey though
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