Hi Folks,
I’m looking for recommendations for flexible 4″ flex hose for my table saw overarm guard. I find that the current wire-reinforced hose I have is too stiff for some of the cuts I need to make. Any suggestions for the “ideal” hose?
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When I installed a 3" drop to my overhead guard, the CFM to the lower TS 5" port was noticeably reduced. I'm running a 2hp Oneida Cyclone system which has a goodly of CFM so unless you have a really powerful DC I would reconsider the utility of a 4" drop unless this is your only DC port for the TS. I am considering dropping the overhead guard to a 2.5" hose. The clear hose that I purchased from Oneida seems very flexible. Air Handler also sells good quality DC products.
I also used 4" duct to just above the collector, then dropped to a flexable 2 1/2" hose for mine.
Doug,I am very happy with the dust collection I get using the 4" drop, even though it reduces the suction I get down in the cabinet itself. Right now I have a 6" line stopped down to 4" coming into the cabinet plus the 4" overarm feed. I use blast gates on both lines to adjust the flow so that I get adequate collection above the table, which is where I find the collection to be most beneficial. Whatever doesn't get collected inside the cabinet gets sucked out when I close the overarm guard blast gate and open the cabinet gate fully. I'd prefer to get the dust coming off the top of the saw while I am working since that was one of the main producers of dust in my shop. I experimented a bit with 2.5" hose, but I found that the 4" works even better, so I'd like to keep using it.Woody
In addition to Oneida's flex hose, this product is very flexible: http://www.airhand.com/product.asp?CategoryID=12&SubCategoryID=8.
woody101 ,
You can use a piece of standard 4" clothes dryer vent hose . I use it to drop from a shop made plentum (sp) to various machines . For short lengths that may not be a straight shot , it allows much flexibility .
good luck dusty
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