I’m looking to get into woodworking and am considering a first large hardware purchase. I live in Uruguay and in general high quality is harder to come by so my options are much more limited. I was shown this combination tool and wondering if anyone had any intutions about whether such a purchase would be worthwhile.
I’m a bit skeptical because it seems like no-name branded stuff that is likely low quality. Then again, perhaps that’s perfect for a beginner and I should look for higher quality tools when I know better what I need. Any comments or feedback welcome.
Sorry about spanish, I don’t think there’s really a need to translate it, I’m looking for a gut feel here. For example, how does the price compare to similar machines of reasonable quality in the US?
The price is in USD $1,890.
with English descriptions: https://http2.mlstatic.com/maquina-combinada-carpinteria-escuadradora-3hp-30cm-7funcion-D_Q_NP_969801-MLU20443859656_102015-F.webp
~ Graham
Hi Graham,
I'm not an expert and don't have any experience with this or similar multi-function tools. However, here is my first impression.
The weight is ~500 lbs, which is enough to potentially be fairly stable. However, the footprint is small, as is the work space on top. If you have a small work area, an all-in-one may be a good option for you. However, expect you will need to build a table around it to hold larger pieces for sawing or similar work.
I don't see a miter slot in the table top for the saw. If so, many of the jigs and accessories common to table saws would not work on this saw. The saw fence also does not appear easily adjustable and I don't see the standard attachments along the front / back of the saw that will allow you to easily install a quality fence later.
A key question to ask yourself is which of these tools do you really anticipate using. Certainly the table saw for any woodworking. The planer and thickness planer may depend on where you expect to get your wood. The other small tools you should be able to pick up on the side.
As for the price, these things are regional and naturally supply driven. The cost is perhaps a little high for something like this in the states. Certainly, assuming you have the space in your shop area, you could buy a quality used table saw, planer, joiner and drill press separately but this assumes such things are available down there as well, which might not be the case.
Hope this helps.
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