I am curious as to how much time of total job is taken in finishing on a set of kitchen cabinets.
We are having custom cabinets made for our new kitchen and our cabinetmaker estimated on the basis of a two step process of stain and two coats of sprayed lacquer.
I have taken over the finishing responsibilities and use a 8 step arts and craft type finish process to match trim in rest of house.
He is going to deduct his finish time from total costs but we are at a loss as too what percentage reduction this should be.
Thank you
The finish your builder is quoting is the basic production finish that many builders use.
It is probably a self sealing conversion varnish. The self sealing means it is a fairly high solid coating that allows him to get a high build of film in the shortest possible time. This schedule is quick and pretty fool proof.
When you start to do the project, you'll find that if you don't have the ability to spray, your finishing time will be greatly increased.
In other words there is no trading of apples for apples here. Many times builders will only give a discount of 10 to 15 % to not do the finish. Many are also relieved to be unburdened by it.
I can't give you a set formula for the "worth" part of this. Your builder needs to figure that out. He must have an idea of the time involved to give you a quote.
Wait until you see just how long it takes.
Good luck.
Thanks so much for you input. I have one third of the cabinets done and we are very pleased. It takes me three to four sessions as some of the steps take longer - overnight, etc. - at least to dry. I am one of those wood workers who loves to finish as much as build.
Thanks again
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