I have a quick question regarding the finish on my most recent project. The project is a walnut wall-hung clock with a full mechanical movement. I was wondering, would be a good idea to finish my piece before I glue it together? I mean after I have made all of the cuts but before I join the pieces together with glue. Or would it be better to wait until the project is in one piece? Or maybe just the stain first and then after everything is complete put on the varnish coats. What do you think? Is there a special formula for walnut in particular?
I ask because on the last attempt I had trouble with glue spots showing through the finish. The only way to get rid of them was to put some much finish on that all of the wood grain disappeared. I would appreciate any help.
glue spots
Get that hide glue in your skill set and you won't have spots from plastic glue in your finish.
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