What is the best way to finish spalted maple?
I have some beautiful pieces that I’d like to use but it’s a late spalt and parts of the wood are quite soft and soak up oil like a sponge. Almost like balsa. How do people finish balsa?
What is the best way to finish spalted maple?
I have some beautiful pieces that I’d like to use but it’s a late spalt and parts of the wood are quite soft and soak up oil like a sponge. Almost like balsa. How do people finish balsa?
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What is the use of the finished piece? That'll determine everything. If, for example it's a decorative object, like a wall clock, then just about anything will work. If it's a dining room table that's a different story. I would not use a "surface" finish such as urethanes or lacquers. The "softness" of the wood could cause separation from the finish. In the past I've used an oil or varn/oil finish - but with one change in order to stabilize the wood. I've lightly thinned down yellow glue and used it as a sealer before finishing. You can squeegee it into all the pores, let it dry and give it a 220 sanding before finishing. This has worked for me in the past.
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