About a year ago I purchased the Performax 16/32 drum sander and dedicated a Sears heavy duty vac with a HEPA filter to collect the dust. The vac did a great job but the filter would have to be cleaned after 20-30 minutes of use when sanding 10-12″ wide panels etc. I finally purchased the large Oneida Dust Deputy which I thought was quite expensive ($200.00+) for basically a small metal canister with a couple of outlets. Well, today I sanded 72 feet of 10 ” wide panels taking 0.030 per side in two passes and when I was done the HEPA filter in the vac was practically dust free and the Dust Deputy was filled with a talc. like dust. The vac still had plenty of suction so that no dust escaped into the shop. Thought this experience might help out if any of you are having problems with this fine drum sanding dust. You can’t believe the quantity of dust that is created by this drum sander. I originally had it hooked up to my Oneida 1.5HP cyclone system but it soon clogged up the filter and it is a pain to remove and clean, so that is when I purchased the Sears heavy duty shop vac. I would like to hear how you folks out there solved your dust collection problem with your drum sander.
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26" wide double drum sander, 3 horse Penn cyclone with dual external cartridges and a 45 gallon waste drum. No problems. 80 grit on the first drum 120 on the second, thousands of board feet sanded.
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
Hey Don,
How do you like that Pen State Cyclone? I am close to getting the 3.5 HP tempest - seems to be the best deal going.
As for the 45 gallon drum - will this fit under their heavy duty stand, or do you have your cyclone mounted to a wall? I was planning to get the stand since I have a metal bldg and would have to fabricate a bracket to mount their included support - but from the photo it doesn't look like a 55 gal drum will fit.
Hi Lee;
That cyclone has been great, 8 hours a day use for 5 years now, no hiccups. I have it mounted to the wall on a piece of plywood. The 45 gal drum is Rubbermaids heaviest trash can. I put weather stripping under the lid, it's a piece of cake to empty and does not leak. It has handles but I use a hand truck to haul it to the dumpster and the handles to lift it. The 3 horse was the biggest they offered when I bought mine. Nice piece of gear, I highly recommend it.------------------------------------
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
Hey Don,
Thanks for the info. I'm already sold - can't imagine why anyone would go with anything else - for the money they seem to have the best features/performance.
I've been totally satified and Sarge seems happy with his also. Bang for the buck it's hard to beat.------------------------------------
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
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