filling large cracks in reclaimed wood

I have build a table with reclaimed wood. When the lumber arrived I checked the humidity on a few pieces and they where ok (around 10%). Now the table is in the living room for last 8 weeks and suddenly there where 2 cracks of 1/2 inch wide and a few feet long. When I checked the scrap pieces in my workshop I discoverd that a few pieces had a humidity level that was to high, resulting in the cracks when the wood dried in the house. Can anyone help my to find a solution for filling the cracks.
Thanks from Belgium
greetings from Bolivia to Belgium.
First I guess your moisture meter did not measure correctly the inside of the wood. Cracks occur when there is a difference between inside and outside, so when the outside is dry and the inside is not then the wood starts to get tentions and will eventually crack. The cracking will continue unless you please you piece of wood in a more humid environment so that wood is able to dry slower. The cover up the cracks you can use wood glue mixed with wood sanding powder. (so you sand the wood somewhere and this sanding powder you mix with the glue and fill the cracks)
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