I am building a small landing deck, and I am decking it with Ipe. I would like to band the framing with Ipe as well. However, my framing will be 7″ wide and Ipe is not available in 1×8. I could edge glue two (2) 1×4’s to get what I need. Would you trust a glue-up for the long term in an exterior application, or am I better off simply exposing the pressure treated framing material? I would probably use polyurethane glue. This is for a customer, so I can’t risk a failure.
Thanks in advance!
if its for decoration, yes; structural, i wouldnt risk it.
I just did this for a deck that I built... I didn't trust edge gluing the ipe, it's so dense and lacking in grain that I just didn't see getting a good bond. What I did, and it worked out great, is to rip the 1x6 ipe down and mill it to T&G with a V groove. The V groove is important to me because I had a lot of color variation in the finished ipe, so the V breaks it up and it's also a nice detail on this wood. I can put some pictures up if you would like to see it... probably tomorrow at the earliest.
I would post this question to a boatbuilding website like
Those guys deal with Teak and the like in a harsh outdoor environment all the time. But I doubt they would use poly glue.
Probably want to go with West System Epoxy.
Check with the boat boys!
Here's a picture of the ipe deck trim, with a t&g v groove. Please excuse the unplugged screw holes, the excess glue and unfinished soffet... the project is in the final phase, be done this week.
Thanks for all of the replies. I did order the 1x4. I decided to put it on with a small gap between the two pieces, just like the topping. I decided it was not worth the effort and risk of a glue-up.
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