I have a 24 X 34 shop. One of the 24’s is where my big door is. One 34 has a double door entry. On that side, I put all my dustmakers and DC. After 9 years working around that configuration, I have decided to basicly flip everything, giving me a longer wall for my machines. I do not have the option of going overhead in the 14′ high ceiling.
What I want to do is go to metal ductwork for the main trunkline and flexable from the trunkline to the individual machines. I have a site “Spiral Manufacturing” but is mostly for really big setups and i can’t find a way to order the little materials I would need. I would appreciate suggestions on a good source for the small amount of materials I would have to purchase.
Try Oneida: http://www.oneida-air.com/
Thanks Bruce & Bill. I have added these sites to "favorites" for a time when I can work on design and know the parts I need.
Try these sites. Also, McMaster Carr has some 26ga snaplock pipe, as well as elbows and wyes.
If you live in a large enough city that has a sheet metal wholesaler get your duct work there. You need to get 26 gague pipe and elbows- your wyes and transitions will not be in the heavier gauge. I have a dust system that is over 3500 CFM and I have not had any ductwork collapse. Spiral ductwork in your shop is probably overkill
KC, Thanks for the tip. There are a couple sheet metal shops I can think of. I live in a area of 175,000.
Never thought about overkill. I've done that on a few things. It is not nearly as bad as underkill:>) I generally try to be sensable, however.
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