drilling capacity vs. chuck capacity
Hi guys
I’m in the market for a drill press and unfortunately I’m limited to choices here in South Africa. For example Jet is considered top notch with an appropriate price to match, so this leaves me with a bunch of Chinese type imports.
Anyway, on all the specs I’ve noticed references to both the chuck capacity and the drilling capacity and I’m not sure what the latter refers to. They appear to be the same in most cases.
Any ideas please?
Drilling capacity refers to (what the manufacturer recommends as)the maximum size of the hole to be made in a given material, as opposed to the actual capacity of the chuck. for instance, your chuck might have a 13mm capacity. Most 35mm bits will fit into your chuck because their shank is less than 13mm. However, you wouldn't be able to chuck in a straight 18 mm bit.
David Ring
so this leaves me with a bunch of Chinese type imports. I have one and it works OK.
WILL NOT take the small diameter bits.
If you replace the chuck with an American made chuck, then it will hold even the very small bits.Even #80 bits will stay tight in a quality chuck.They are not cheap, expect to pay at least $90.00 for one that has a 1/2" capacity.
thanks for the input guys. I'll have to see what the chuck can hold when I eventually get it.Cheers
Sorry I forgot to thank you on the post. I have a smaller drill press but I cannot get that chuck off. I get the whole shaft with the chuck!
Whats the make and model of your press Will?
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
Whats the make and model of your press Will? A old Big Box Big and small one.
Tool Shop? They work sort of OK? I HAD some old Brown&Sharps that I gave to my Son-In-Law.. Old metal worker here that when I was younger could get that chuck off the quill shaft but I'm to lazy these days! AND I do not have my old welding stuff any longer.. Gave to him also!
I hate hammering on stuff except nails.
Not a big issue for me.. My junk seems to work but sure wish I could change them China chucks when I needed!
Edited 3/1/2009 2:48 am by WillGeorge
Never mind then.
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
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