This is not my best dovetailing (I did it fast) …
She-oak, thicknessed first …
Marked ..
Sawn .. the trick is to gang them ..
But this is the smallest dovetails I have cut (courtesy of Chris Vesper’s Small Dovetail Competition)!!
OK .. so what are the dimensions …?!
Imperial – well under 1/16″
… and Metric – under 1mm ..
It was fun!
Regards from Perth
Edited 4/5/2009 8:20 am ET by derekcohen
Why did you not do half lap doves? (;)
Tell us about that little plane, too.
My Gawd Philip, half-laps?!
I would not hesitate to say that would be impossible in she-oak in these pieces (which are a little under 1mm thick). This wood is extremely brittle. I was mad to use it but I grabbed the first scrap on half that got me close. This is extraordinarily hardwood, but also very brittle. I only managed 3/4 small centre dovetails. On half-broke. Imagine a half-lap .5mm thick ... (... giggle ....). :)
The little plane is a Mujingfang mini smoother in Ebony. Its smaller than your average block plane. 1/8 HCF blade on a 60 degree bed. Cheeep as chips. Fantastic smoother for small pieces.
OK Philip and all, what about a friendly challenge to all out there to create your smallest dovetails in a box!
Regards from Perth
Edited 4/6/2009 4:06 am ET by derekcohen
"OK Philip and all, what about a friendly challenge to all out there to create your smallest dovetails in a box!"
In wood or metal? (Sir).Philip Marcou
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Your choice of weapon (Sir).
Heh heh
Regards from Perth
... but Philip must use the same tools you used! That scale is incredible, DerekChris @ to be
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Hang on , Chris, I need to make them first....Philip Marcou
Derek & Philip,
Now, lads - stop that messin' about in the workshop and return to the proper jobs in hand! There is a Destroyer to be perfected in the Kiwistan workshop, whilst you, Mr Cohen, need to make a larger cabinet of excellent utility, preferably including Dominos and biscuits, for your enlightenment and edification; also to bring you back to your senses.
You see, I always knew that too much galootin' and neandertalin' would drive a bloke doowally. See how ye've become obsessed, young Derek, with making tiny dovetails just to see if you can. Next it'll be cogged DTs or some obscure Japanese M&T shaped like Mount Fuji. Then Don will issue a saber-swipe concerning their attributes of pointlessness and there will be tears before bedtime.
Time for the Perth workshop to see some tools containing electric motors, afore there is a collection of hollows & rounds begun or some other set of mouldy(!) olde doodwats for making pointless folderol and droon! I have sent your details to Mr Festool, saviour of over-galooted fellows everywhere.
Lataxe, issuing a reality check.
Where could I find an abridged copy of "The Lataxe Dictionary-2nd Edition", so I can figure out what the heck you're talking about.
For example:
doowally- ???????????????????
galootin'- ??????????????????
Surely I can find a definition of these words in your dictionary, right?
Well, I was addressing that antipodean; all them downunder lads share a certain common parlance with the nation (Blighty) that sent their forefathers off on the prison ships.
But just for you colonial lads, who had the Good King's Anglish polluted by French, German, Russian, Italian and who knows what other lesser tongues, I will explain.
"Doowally" desribes a bloke whose eyes look in two different directions at once but not where he's going; who harbours rather illogical thoughts such as "I'll make a tiny DT in a tiny box" for no reason except a random impulse; and whose behaviour is otherwise so bizarre it attracts the attention of small boys who point and laugh. A very doowally bloke is sometimes taken orf by the quacks to a quiet room, so that he cannot do harmful things to hisself or innocent passers-by with, say, a small orange plane or a very sharp chisel indeed.
Galoot - a term adopted by a certain group of handtool fetishists as a foil to those who would snort with derision at their antics. The proper defintion is here:
Lataxe, a furner.
If you do find that dictionary would you be so kind as to provide a definition for Cuh? There are a few others but don't remember them of the top of me noggin.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Think of a "cuh!" as halfway atween a tut of disapproval and a coo of incredulity.
PS Don't forget to cast a glance skywards and to momentarily project the chin as you issue the cuh.
I made a set much smaller, but you can't see Ironwood, of course!
too much galootin' and neandertalin' would drive a bloke doowally
Sir L
I had then better not show you the motor-less brace I made that resides in the dovetailed box with wooden hinges, had I?
It is now complete, after a months solid of work, and I am very pleased with it. FWW want a blog on it all which, if I do, will be extremely long.
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I'd better not show you these ...
Regards from Perth
That tool in it's box looks to me like it has too much eye-goo on it. You have been casting admiring glances on it instead of getting it thoroughy chipped and dirty in the shed, using it to make lots of Adirondacks or other screw-heavy pieces.
So, you had better send it here to me in Galgatia, where it will join the other hard-working, almost abused, tools. It can sit next to the Marcou with all it's brass stained by sweat-drip. Soon it will be clarted-up with screw-wax and teak stain. :-)
Lataxe, who will never put tools in a posh box (they must live in the crudely-dovetailed workbench drawers).
PS I believe there is room for a small electric motor and a battery in the round-end of that item. It could be like a-one o' them pushbikes with a small motor on the back wheel, that grandads use to get up the hills when their skinny ole pins give oot.
I could even live without the motor and forgive the plush box, but what the $^%$ is with all the %&% leather straps?
If I had to undo,redo all those straps every time I wanted to use it I would leave it on the bench .
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
All fetishists use leather! They cannot help theirselves and must be weaned off the stuff by being given shiney electric drills to play with, from Mr Festool. He uses nice black and green plastic with systainers, which are modern and nice. They do not excite primitive urges.
I can just see that Derek now, lovingly soaking them straps in Camelia oil. I hope there is only the conventional kind of brace-screwing going on here! Does anyone see a suspcious stain?
We probably must make allowances due to his occupation. What was that quote from Nietzsche about staring into the abyss?
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
A black light will tell us sure as shoot'n.
Yah and those crass metal pins holding the ends of those straps--has the man never heard of French fitting? Hate to see a half-fast job that so smacks of "good enough for who it's for"...Wooden hinges? Where's the brass, there ought to be brass.
Ray, I have heard of french knitting, french kissing and even the french connection. But what is "french fitting"?
Regards from Perth
Here's an example.
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
Thanks dg
Yes, of course. I had considered that method at one time but decided that, since this was for a comp, I wanted something that was more display-ish albeit less practical.
Is that a gun? We don't have them here in Australia.
Regards from Perth
Gawd save us.That is French Fitting alright- but the COLOUR??? (I always thought the real thing was either green or light blue).Philip Marcou
Hi derek,
Here's an example:
View Image
Now, get to work!
Hello all, and a quick request, if you grab images of peoples work, especially if it's there livelihood, please give some credit.
Lataxe, who will never put tools in a posh box (they must live in the crudely-dovetailed workbench drawers).
Hi SL (Sir Lataxe)
I am by thought a tidy person but in reality not so... much too impatient to put something away before getting on with the next task. I am trying to become a better person.
The leather is not a fetish, although I understand that this might be your first thought.
Actually, this is a entry in an hand tool competition organised by the Australian Wood Review, the premier magazine in Oz. The leather is to make sure that the tools do not slide around when in transit. They are removeable (may be unscrewed from the rear) ...
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Regards from Perth
Derek, You have obviously not kept up with the new lower end line of Wood River laser chisels. They claim to cut in the .0000314 range. Clearly fine enough for half laps on she oak. Must keep up on these things you know.
They cut on both parts at once on two axis. Then you could make a small box instead of that monster you display. Of course if you didn't set the depth you would have glue sticks.BB
It was fun!
But this is the smallest dovetails I have cut.. WITH A BIG SAW! :>)
I for one would have used one of my several diffetent X-Acto saws like in the following link. Link is only for a picture. Not selling anything.
Well, sort of selling.. those little saws are PERFECT for little boxes and even some cuts in larger 'sticks'.
I was disappointed there were no brass inlays in the box....
Hi Will
I could have done better had I used a saw with smaller teeth. I realise now that I could have used my veneer saw. However I just used a standard dovetail saw, in this case a LV rip dozuki.
Regards from Perth
I would guess ya gettin' a bit older and the brain a bit fuzzie?
Just funnin ya a bit.. A man I coulg get along with IF I was allowed to use your tools!
Edited 4/10/2009 9:32 am by WillGeorge
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