I need a dovetail jig for my shop and have concdered the Leigh D4R jig. Is this a good choise
Edited 11/19/2008 10:14 pm ET by artw
I need a dovetail jig for my shop and have concdered the Leigh D4R jig. Is this a good choise
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You might want to look at the new Porter Cable OmniJig, as well.
It all depends on how versitile you want the jig to be. More versitility generally means more adjustments to be made. With the D4R and PC Omnijig, you can set the size of both pins and tails. The Leigh Super Jigs allow you to set the tail size, but have fixed pin sizes. Any of these jigs allow you to use any width of stock. Some others require your stock to be in 1/8" or larger increments. Note that some jigs have better dust collection than others. The Leighs have an aftermarket VRS - Vacuum Router Support.
Chris @ www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
I am a big fan of the Leigh products, but their Dovetail Jig is awfully complicated, requires 2 dedicated routers to work with ease, and about 12 hours of set up and practice time. I hate mine.
I like my Porter Cable Ominijig which goes from box to dovetails in about an hour.
Or I took a video class from Klaus Frantz (can't remember his name), watched the 30 minute video, and went from video to hand cut dovetails in about an hour. The guy makes the process so easy, you'll feel like an idiot. Regards, Scooter "I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow." WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
and about 12 hours of set up .. Maybe the mortiser but not the dovetail jig!
12 minutes?
Actually Will, on the FMT, I went from box to mortise and tenon in about 2 hours. Never even watched the video. I love the FMT, but not the L4. One of the biggest drawbacks is adjusting the dovetail and straight bits on routers. I bought some D Handle PC Routers and made them dedicated to the L4. It still takes me about an hour to cut dovetails, even with pre-adjusted Router depth.
In contrast, the Omnijig goes from toolbin to dovetails in 15 minutes.
I think the point previously made was valid--more adjustments in the jig make it more complicated to set up.Regards, Scooter "I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow." WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
WC Fields.. Anybody that likes WC Fields OK by me!
And for ..
I think the point previously made was valid--more adjustments in the jig make it more complicated to set up.
All I can say is I like my Jigs! Now if only somebody comes up wit a jig that does not need backer boards!
Aw c'mon - who among us doesn't have at least two routers? I came back from a trip to the state with two routers, which could have very easily been five.Chris @ http://www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Good point I have two plus the trim router, and I am thinking of picking up another for use in a router table (I hate taking them in and out).
Doug M.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had a router for every bit? Maybe that's a tad overkill.Chris @ http://www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Wouldn't it be nice if we had a router for every bit?
Maybe this guy! I love my routers!
I just bought the Leigh 12-inch super jig and I couldn't be happier. I bought it for dovetailing drawers specifically. Carcass dovetails I'll still do by hand, but the thought of dovetailing dozens of drawer sides by hand makes me dizzy. I'd just as soon hold a screaming router for an hour.
The jig set up in less than an hour, and in two hours I had two drawers all done and perfect. I could've done a dozen more in two hours once I was all set up.
My next set-up will only take 15 minutes now that I know what I am doing.
I've heard they were complicated but that wasn't my experience at all. You do have to read the instructions, watch the videos and take it slowly until it makes sense. Then it's easy.
I have a 24 inch? Leigh D4R jig.
I have looked at the new Delta. I would think either would be nice. However, I have never used the Delta..
I bought a Leigh dovetail jig for $400 and sold it 3 years later on Craigslist for 92%. I bought a couple of shares of the S&P 500 a few weeks ago and can sell them for 75%. That, coupled with the most flexible jig and best instruction book, makes it a lay up decision. Go get 'em!
I bought a couple of shares of the S&P 500 a few weeks ago and can sell them for 75%
I just looked at what I had left in my 401.. I am a old man that still cried ALOT!
Thank you all for your imput. I'm still not sure what I'm going to get, but you
gave me some moree to look at.
An L-N dovetail saw and a few sharp chisels, best jig on the planet.
my vote goes to the leigh super jig, mines a 12 inch, less than 200 bucks, but get the vrs thingy
out of the box to perfect dovetails in 2 hours
I have one and love it. The documentation and vids make it easy and I made them perect. I'm wanting the bear ear set for some added twist to things. You won't be sorry. I waited for ever on e-bay for one, but they all go for about retail. I got 10% off my by using my birthday cupon at woodcraft.
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