Don’t forget the other forums, plzzzzzz
I just posted a couple of questions under “Finishing” in Skills & Techniques forum. Please don’t forget about us over there.
forestgirl — you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can’t take the forest out of the girl 😉
Another proud member of the “I Rocked With ToolDoc Club” …. :>)
I always check all the forums, but the new format does add an extra step to the process of scanning the forum. I read recently that the most effective people are those who are efficient at weeding out unimportant information (rather than finding the useful stuff). I was pretty good at weeding quickly with all posts in a single column.
Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before
I agree! It's much more difficult to cruise the forums now. Sysop had recommended using MyForums to find Unread messages to me but that function isn't working properly (misses messages). It really does take much more time to check things out now, so I'm hoping it pays off somehow. There's some entertainment value in figuring out which category to put a question in, LOL!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Am I being to anal that it bothers me you have to select a folder before you can go into My Forums to see where the action has been?? We are seeing a lot more threads in this format....that's a good thing.
Help me to please understand this!
You say that if you go to my forums that you can check to see if you have any unread messages? And BTW, where is my forums? And, does it tell you of all the unread messsages on KNOTS?
The only way that I know how to check is to go to each block at the top and click on it and then check to see if I have any unread messages, seams silly but that's the only way I know how to check.
I would have thought that someone could have came up with a better way but I guess that wasn't a priority!
Hi Doug, sorry it took 'til today for me to reply, was on the road all day yesterday.
My Forums is found up above, underneath the lower right corner of that orange header. I usually right click it and select open in a new window so I don't lose the message page I'm reading. It is supposed to show you Unread messages to me in parentheses, but it's been inaccurate for quite awhile now.
For now, using the drop-down list you mentioned is the accurate way to check Unread messages to me. In general, the default for that list should be simply Unread messages. Believe me, I've complained directly to sysop about the awkwardness of the UMTM process. My last suggestion was that they provide a symbol (bullet or asterisk or something) in front of the UMTM messages as they get spilled out in the regular Unread messages list. No word yet.
The new format is very, very time-consuming. I'm simply hoping it pays off in the long run!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
I figured that the reason that you hadn't replied was because you couldn't find your way back! :)
Again, thanks
I made it -- thank you Mapquest!!!!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
FG, I'm fed up with the new system and switching over to another forum. The new approach by FWW, will fail like so many other 'NEW' ideas
when most of the contributors feel as I do.
In the past, I've posted over a thousand replys(And a few Requests) and felt I was a 'Contributor'
Now,I feel like a 'dupe'and an 'outsider'
I'm sure there are many others right now, who feel they've been 'taken'
as well.
Edited 12/13/2005 9:03 pm ET by Steinmetz
I dont know if this place will fail but it has deffinatly lost its "flow"
Stein, Don't you know change is always right, always for the better! One things for sure, once it changes it won't go back cause nobodys ever wrong these days. If you in particular are leaving, then the folks here should take notice. Not many contributors here with your wealth of practical experience. I've often gotten a kick out of your simple solutions. I imagine you're the kind of guy I'd work with for nothing just to pick your brain.
Ian, Thanx for your reply. I'm just a lurker now, (force of habit)
but really appreciate your kind comments. Attachment below is my latest inventio Steinmetz
Edited 12/15/2005 5:10 pm ET by Steinmetz
You keep your scrawny butt right where it is...we need your contribution. For gosh sakes, you worked your whole life in Manhattan...and now your telling us a few extra clicks of your index finger is too much to take...the new format is rude??? Merry Christmas
Bg, thanx for the lift. I really needed that Where are all the 'regulars' ? on Breaketime,? General,? Tools,? Cooking,? (STRIKE THAT!)
If I go to Knots Fest, I get stuff months old . B O R R I N G !Pretty soon Prospero will be like the phone company's switchboard.
IE, If yo"u want a tablesaw operator, press 1
If you want a jointer operator, press 2
If you want a planer operator, press 3
If you want fries with that press 'Supersize'If you want to retain what's left of your sanity, press bibble bibble bibble (DUH)
So, have the regulars gone somewhere else (not Breaktime)?
I have been over at breaktime and it really rubs in how ponderous,slow and basic knots has become even in the short time I have hung out here.Reading breaktime is like moving into the express lanes.
We must let some forums "live and let die". Maybe then this'll revert to its original format...
(no offense to you or your query)
This is not a case of "forgetting" it is intentional (not in the personal sense) but FG there are so many forums folks just aren't going to take the time. I am one! I take a quick look at the General , which is where a lot is being posted and then the Tools and that is about it unless I have worlds of time on my hands. If you look at the subjects showing up in the "General" forum, like "router bits" it is pretty clear this thing is not working and people are looking for the simple way to communicate.( And for those that argued that people will "soon" adjust to the change, I think enough time has passed to prove that is not the case.) I am like Jako, Breaktime is so nice and easy to navigate.
Whoever at Taunton that decided to change the Knots concept in order to make money on the FW Network,should be bragging to his/her boss about the great amount of money they are making or looking for a new job.
By the way should n't the title of this thread have been: "Don't forget the other forums, click,click,click,click zzzzzz ! " :-)
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