Diagonal Upper Cabinets in eCab

I am simultaneously trying to learn eCabinets software AND design/bid a job that will include two diagonal uppers. eCabinets doesn’t have pre-programmed diagonals; only standard corner cabinets.
Anyone ever designed diagonal uppers in eCabinets? Might you share some of your knowledge??? Can it be done?
Also, anyone using 20-20 that might care to divulge your purchase price, and give me some real insight into what you think about it? Seems like several kitchen/bath design firms are using it in my market, and I wonder if the efficiency and capabilities of a better CAD program are worth the $$?
Thanks in advance…
20/20 is not for the manufacturer of cabinets, but for the retail location. It doesn't do shop drawings, cut list or any of that. If you retail for a large manufacturer they will supply you with all the cabinets they make as a digital catalogue. 20/20 allows the designer to plug in and resize those cabinets simularly to how Cabinet Vision works, but it is dumbed down for the non-cabinet builder.
It would take too long to describe the corner cabinet process, but the way you can figure it out is to look at the "angle part" option in the construction settings. You angle the right and left ends and then Ecabs will bebuild accordingly. In order to really learn any of these programs you have to take the class. ThermWood offers the class really cheep.
Pardon my spelling,
Make sure that your next project is beyond your skill and requires tools you don't have. You won't regret it.
Thanks, Mike
I did figure out how to do diagonal cabinets, now I'm just trying to figure out how to properly re-size them. I appreciate your help.
After rereading your post I see that I dont really understand what you are asking. What do you mean by a "diagonal cabinet"? I thought you meant a corne cabinet.
Also what is the problem when you resize?
Pardon my spelling,
Make sure that your next project is beyond your skill and requires tools you don't have. You won't regret it.
Hi Mike,
You are correct in your assumption; I was trying to create diagonal upper (corner) cabinets, as opposed to blind corner or regular 90deg corner cabinets with lazy susan type doors. Does that make sense?? Profile from above looks like a diamond instead of a 'V'.
Figured that part out; all I had to do was open construction settings and change the mark to "angle". As far as resizing....I was wrong about that. The back was only 21" and some change, but I wasn't accounting for the clipped corner, so it's right where I need it to be.
Thanks for your help, JM
Thats funny, I had a brain fart and couldnt't figure out what a diagonal cabinet is. The last few jobs I have been using radiused end cabinets.
Glad you got it figured out. Like the other guy mentioned the Ecabs Forum is a great resourse.Pardon my spelling,
Make sure that your next project is beyond your skill and requires tools you don't have. You won't regret it.
Why not post this in the ecabinets forum where it is likely to get a quick and thorough answer? http://ntc.thermwood.com/forums/index.php
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