I need a plate jointer. I am looking at the Dewalt, because it cheap ($150 at Amazon.com), But I have read some reviews that say that this machine does not have a very well-aligned fence. On the other hand, all of the reviews that I could find seemed to date to around 2001-2.
Anyone have any newer feedback? Should I spring the extra $50 for a Porter-Cable?
-Groucho Marx
I have the Dewalt but mine is about 5 years old. I don't know if they have changed the quality of the tool but mine is pretty good. I do know that you can adjust the tool if the blade is not parallel to the base, I think there was a letter to the editor in FWW a few years back on how to do it it you needed to. I did not have to do this. For the price I think this is the best plate jointer you can get.
I can heartily recommend the Porter Cable, which I have. I haven't heard any really bad things about the DeWalt, only that it isn't quite up to par with the PC.
I have used this one extensively, in the shop and in the field on job sites. It has gotten banged up from abuse and normal wear and tear, but the adjustment to align the blade parallel with the fence is quite easy to do. I sure wish I had the money for one of those dominoe cutters from festool, but have gotten my moneys worth with the dewalt for sure, litteraly thousands of biscuits cut in all kinds of woods, with only two blade changes and two fence adjustments. Hope it helps
Yes. Buy the Porter Cable. You won't regret it and won't miss the $50.
Chris @ www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
I have the PC also. I have been pleased with it.
I lucked out and walked onto Lowes one day and they had two new in the box PC's on a clearance table. My hand moved so fast in grabbing one of those things that I didn't even see it.
I paid 99.00 plus tax.
If accuracy in your work is important, and you can't do good work without accuracy, I would not waste my money on a "cheap" biscuit joiner. I use a Lamello, their top model. Have used it heavily for over 10 years and never had a problem. And it is, by far, much better than anything else I have used.
Thanks to all for the replies.
With the bank account currently in negative territory, I think I will have to go with the DeWalt. A Lamello is simply out of the question, price-wise, and the extra $50 for the PC...that's my lunch all next week. ;)
AlexOutside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx
Buy good tools! Buy the Domino. Eat next month.
I really like the fence on my DW, and paid only 119 a yr ago. The only thing it won't do is cut FF slots. Never been a big fan of, or very experienced with, PC tools.Brian.
I recently got the PC, but I looked long and hard at the Dewalt. In my looking I seemed to find that the Dewalt at first went through three revisions of the fence assembly, and those alignment problems went away.
We got my son-in-law a DW several years ago and it has been fine for him. The two main reasons I got the PC were the tiny FF biscuits, I have not so far used them for real but I think they should be nice for some picture frames, and the handle that stays with the front part, does not slide back and forth. But the DW seems to be a fine unit and is significantly cheaper!
Bob Wilson
Thanks again to all for the input.
BTW: Between my posting here with this question (maybe last Wednesday) and ordering the DeWalt from Amazon on Friday, the price changed from $150 to 169.95!
Oh well...
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx
Highland Woodworking has a cutter for the Dewalt that allows you to use the FF biscuits. Their phone # is (800) 241-6748.
Thanks for the tip.
I am familiar with the company - I'll check it out.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx
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