I believe my (Delta unisaw) TS is out of alignment with the blade. I understand there are four bolts under each corner to loosen the top. Now what is the easiest/cheapest way to align the table? Any tips would be appreciated.
Crpntr 5
I believe my (Delta unisaw) TS is out of alignment with the blade. I understand there are four bolts under each corner to loosen the top. Now what is the easiest/cheapest way to align the table? Any tips would be appreciated.
Crpntr 5
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Just did that to my Unisaw when I changed the bearings. There is a total of 4 bolts with one on each corner and they can be loosed under each corner of the table on the outside of the base cabinet
The link will help but I used a sliding dial guage in the miter slot to square the blade to the table. I was quite surprised how much better the saw cuts and I was not even aware that it was out of square.
carpenter5 ,
Are you sure the blade is out of alignment to the table ? or is it out to the fence ?
before going through the entire process check out exactly what the problem is .
good luck dusty
The easiest way is to raise the blade, mark one tooth, make a measurement from that tooth to the miter way, both front and back. I like to use a straight edge against the blade and measure from that. It gives you a reading over a greater distance but it requires a good straight edge.
Hey, thanks a bunch... appreciate the pic and the tip.
I aligned mine awhile back- take your time and enjoy it. It is not a 5 minute job (more like a 1/2 hour)
loosen all 4 bolts and retighten one of them snug-not tight. (that'll be your pivot point)
Use a dead-blow to tap away at the diagonal corner. (clockwise or counter-clockwise)
tap tap - check your progress, tap tap- too far, tap tap -not far enough
Keep smiling- you'll be amazed how well your saw cuts when the blade is dead square to the miter slots (and the fence)
I used a combo square riding along the miter slot and a red mark on a single saw tooth for reference.
instead of using a dead blow hammer i used a clamp and you can walk the table right were you need it
If you have a crosscut sled the saw kerf will most likely be off-line after this operation.
Don't forget to also align it with the blade tilted to 45 degrees. I've owned and rebuilt more than a couple dozen Unisaws and they all needed shimming in the front.
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