A fellow and follower of the Taunton Press Fine Woodworking and Fine Homebuilder on the UK side of the POND needs your help – again. Last time thanks to Forest Girl my problem was solved.
This time could anyone help me with the name and address or web site of a company that will supply and ship to the UK a Delta 34-184 Tenoning Jig. It is possible for me to purchase one on Amazon but unfortunately they do not ship outside the U.S
My only other resolve is to find some kind soul in the US that would be preapred for me to order and pay from this end, have the machinery delivered to their address and ship to me here in the UK. I would ofcourse re-imburse them with the shipping fees.
You are SO lucky to be able to obtain all these woinderful tools with relative ease.
I am a member of a small disabled woodworking group and tongues regularly drag the floor with envy when flipping through the pages of a newly delivered woodworking book.
Thanks for your anticipated help. Regards to all fellow woodworkers. Peg Leg.
Yes, sir, I have heard different stories like this where the US is a lot easier to access, but that shouldn't mean you cant have nice tools.
Just starting out in woodworking, I decided the tenoning jig was too expensive for me at this time, so I made one. I saw the jig you are talking about and it is a nice one, also Fine Woodworking thinks so, but mine will work for me.
It is in box shape wrapped around the fence of my new table saw, a Delta, and made from MDF. There is a stop block to hold the piece square to the table, but I'm sure you would have already guessed, you can't get angles on it, maybe you have made one of these already.
I could order one from a place I know, and would be willing to do so, and would need to know where to ship it to, so e-mail me all that stuff, if you could.
[email protected]
Wow, what a drag. My heart skipped a beat when Googled on the tenoning jig + "UK" and found an Amazon UK link, but there is no tools section. Do you have any idea what the customs implications would be with sending one to you from the US??
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Hello Forestgirl
Thank you for your comments. We are at present looking into the Customa and Excise implications here in the UK. I do not anticipate any problems with importing the JIG but do expect to pay Customs Duty and VAT (goverment tax currently running at 17.5%) when the goods arrive. I assume that there are no problems from your side for a private person shiping outside the States.
I am using the lemon oil information that you gave to me last year which has proved very useful indeed.
My wife used to fly to the States as part of her job, I really wish she was still doing that, it would save me a great deal of trouble but probably be much more expensive. She was very fond of those big stores in New York and came home with wonderful goodies.
Have a nice weekend. Regards Peg Leg
"She was very fond of those big stores in New York and came home with wonderful goodies." Oh boy! Yep, that would complicate the equation, wouldn't it?!
My employee returns to the UK every couple of years to visit her sisters and other family and friends. If she were going this spring, I'm sure she'd be willing to pack away a few goodies, but alas, she isn't. (On second thought, getting through airport security with a tenoning jig might prove challenging for a lady in her 70's!!)
Put me on your list of Yanks willing to help out when you need something from one of our catalogs. I keep my email current in my profile.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Thank you for your offer and I will bear it in mind. The situation here at home is somewhat difficult at present. I have just had notification that I will be going into hospital really soon to have a 6th hip replacement on my left leg. I have at present a metal trochanta holding the hip and leg together but sadly after only a few weeks after surgery back into 2003 it was shown to have broken free and not been a success. This is a highly specialised operation and only three surgeons in the UK carry out this operation because it is so difficult and very little success rates. I have been waiting almost two years to have it done again. This is an opportunity I cannot afford to miss. Life story comes later!!
I have enclosed our e.mail address which is [email protected]. We would very much like to send you an animated and very popular Easter Greetings card but will understand if you would rather not divulge your own email address. In the meantime if there is anything you would like from the UK we would be only too pleased to help.
Have a great Easter. Regards Peg Leg
Just sent you an email!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Peg Leg:
Forestgirl brings up a good point about the customs issue, but if the details can be worked out, I'd offer my assistance any way I could.
Hi Sawdustmaker
Thank you for your support and offer. We are looking into the Customs and Excise implications here in the UK. This is government department and only seem to work on a part time basis!! I expect to pay Import duty and VAT (goverment tax currently running at 17.5%) and obviously I would need to know about the shipping charges from the States.
Will be in contact again shortly, in the meantime have an enjoyable weekend.
Peg Leg
Found on a Google search. The say they ship to the UK:
Wow! I've been out-Googled. Kudos to ya, Barry!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
This is my tenoning jig made recently to make a workbench. I am going to make a jig that will allow angles.
The Delta 34-184 is made in Asia and is sold worldwide in virtually identical form, except for paint color and minor details, by probably dozens of other companies. In the U.S., for instance, the Shop Fox and Woodcraft tenoning jigs are identical except for the placement of one of the knobs.
If these types of jigs are sold by anyone at all in the U.K., you can probably find someone selling the identical tool there under a different name.
Hope this helps, John W.
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