Creating Wood Cylinders for pedestals
I’m currently trying to build a wood cylinder for a pedestal table. <!—-><!—-><!—->
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I have a few issues:<!—-><!—->
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1. I’m trying to determine the angle on my table saw for the wood pieces to fit together. I have experimented numerous times and no mater what I try, I just can’t get a proper angle set up. Is there a method outlined somewhere for setting up your table saw to cut specific boards and the out come to be a certain diameter circle (roughly before turning or routing)? There should be some way to come up with how far from the fence, proper angle, the board should be. And, what complicates this more is that a re-measure will be needed when the reverse angle is cut on the opposite side of the board. <!—-><!—->
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2. I’ve found numerous books on creating all kinds of tables and designs but only 1 book listed how to create a pedestal cylinder. And id didn’t even mention how they derived the angle on the saw. Is there any reference material out there (books) that has how to create different types of cylinders (besides smooth) that has flutes, designs, etc?<!—-><!—->
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Thanks so much for any advice or help!<!—-><!—->
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Dear Iron Spike,
Sorry, but we don’t have any great online tools to simplify the angle and segment length calculations.
We have one pedestal table article, but the angles/dimensions mentioned are very specific to John Zeitoun’s project.
Woodturners deal with this sort of math all the time for segmented turnings. You might want to check out the American Association of Woodturners or Woodturning Online:
Good luck with your table.
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