Craftsman dado blade – will it cut it?

I just noticed that next week craftsman stacked dado blades are 50% off here, for $100 to $50(cdn) . I’m in the market for one, and have been looking at the most basic freud for $150. The dados i’ll be making now won’t be exposed, they’re purely structural, so i’m very temped to save $100 and go for the craftsman. Anyone know of any MAJOR problems with these? I know it won’t be as good a quality as the more expensive; that’s a no brainer, but will it suffice? My budget is pretty limited tight now.
As long as its a stack dado it'll probably be ok. I use a Mastercraft. Got it on sale at Canadian Tire for about $80.
Its a bit of a PITA to set up a dado blade for 3/4 inch ply dadoes if they don't have a 3/32 inch chipper. Mine doesn't.
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