I saw this on another forum. It may be of interest to some here.
I saw this on another forum. It may be of interest to some here.
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Thanks, Howie! I just received my $15 from the compact disc settlement, so the timing is good -- that'll be spent today, LOL! Have to go out and check my little Porter Cable pancake unit and see if it meets the specs.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Now if we can only get "peak horsepower" eliminated from other power tools as well.
The issue here apparently was one having to do with induction motors. Induction motors have an industry-wide standard for testing and stating horsepower. What happened here was that the motor manufactures were not including the horsepower rating on the motor spec plate. This allowed the seller to advertize whatever horsepower they wanted.
However, the motors used on routers, shopvacs, etc are universal motors. These motors are part and parcel of the tool and are not manufactured as individual motors. There is no industry standard for testing and stating horsepower on universal motors. So, I doubt that this settlement will have any affect on universal motor tools.
horsepower ratings are a joke, a 3 hp router supposedly draws 18 amps but has a 15 amp plug and cord
and a seven horsepower vacuum? that would suck the drywall right off the wall!!
tool manufacterers are lying to us, so lets tell them
caulking is not a piece of trim
Now you can compare apples to apples....
Here fishy fishy....
I got a letter on this in the mail today. You beat me to the forum with a message to the Knots community.
Thank you very much!
Mine qualifies and I can always use another 50' of rubber airhose.
I went to the Devilbiss website and filed for my Porter Cable compressor. We'll see.......
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
How can you tell if a particular Porter Cable model qualifies? I own a CPF23400P oil free side stack compressor I bought about two years ago?
Do I win the horsepower lottery as well?
OK: So I am replying to myself... Roses are red -- Violets are blue -- I am schizophrenic -- and so am I.
At any rate, called Porter Cable and found out that all P-C compressors are made by Divilbis, including mine. So it looks like I am in on the bonanza.
On the claim website, they are offering about 5 choices. What's everyone getting?
Kind of like Christmas, ain't it? I love my compressor.
Don't know. I just put in the make, model, and serial number and will let them figure that out.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
ha ha yes! I love it when this happens...
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