Hi all
I recently read an old Fine Woodworking article on whetstones, which included some interview excepts from Jim Smith from Hiram A. Smith Whetstone Co. He advocated cleaning stones with soap and water and drying after use. I’ve never heard of this practise.
Does any do this with their oil bench stones?
What do you do to keep your oilstones clean?
When the oilstones become heavily embedded with metal particles, I put them in boiling water to remove the metal. Then rub with kerosene, and back to sharpening.
My experience has been that if I use enough oil and flush and wipe the stones after each use I never have to clean them. The metal particles get floated away and there is never enough oil left on the stones to attract dust and get gummy.
I've not heard of washing an oilstone with soap& water. I did read somewhere that butchers often use soap and water as a lubricant for their sharpening stones, as a food safe alternative to honing oil. I do this on the stones I use in the kitchen. Sharpen the knife, rinse it off, and use. Rinse the stone, and put away. Easy.
If you use a sufficient quantity of a light oil, you should not need to clean your stones. I like marvel mystery oil. I used to use 30 wt motor oil cut with kerosene, but the mystery oil is already thin, and smells better, too. Tried 3-in-1, I felt it was too thick, but the local hardware srore's house brand was thinner,and worked ok. Remember the oil is there to float the steel particles away from the pores of the stone, use plenty, and wipe the stone off after using it.
If you're rehabilitating an old stone that's glazed, try soaking it in kerosene or mineral spirits, if that doesn't clean it up, try lacquer thinner. Scrub with a stiff bristle brush. Then soak in light oil before using it.
I often use liquid dish detergent and water as the honing fluid. It cleans up the stone while sharpening the iron.
BJGardening, cooking and woodworking in Southern Maryland
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