First I’ll say that I am certainly not an expert in spray finishes.
But I do get to act like one on the internet.
I have been using a spray gun for a few years now, and I have never been comfortable leaving paint unattended, and unmoving, in the gun for very long.
And for me. two hours is VERY long. It is easily long enough that the paint in the tip will flash over (form a skin) and begin to cure. And that is not a good thing.
The good news is that for a two hour wait, the cleaning is reasonably quick and easy.
Dump the paint from the pot back into the can. Slosh some solvent (appropriate for the paint) in the pot, and pour it out. Fill the pot about 1/3 full with clean solvent again, and close it up.
Shake while spraying. Spray hard, spray soft, spray wide, spray narrow, lots of air, almost no air………..
Now set the gun down for that two hour break.
When it’s time, empty the solvent, and refill with paint. Re-set the spray controls, and go to town.
hi willy,
just read this question you had about leaving paint in your cup for two hours or so. I personaly leave paint or finish in my gun for a lot longer than that without any problems. Just clean the tip with a wet rag or solvent, give the gun a swirl and spray a quick shot onto scrap or towel and your good to go. I think the cup is pretty air tight and dosen't affect the contents, at least that is my experience. Good luck with all your projects.. Finicky
Thanks finicky, did just what you stated with no ill effects on the performance of the gun. I did have dried paint on the tip , but brushed it off and after 30 sec. the gun worked good as clean. No problems with air passages. Back to sanding and painting!
I'm with finicky. I just remove the air cap and soak it in lacquer thinner, just in case any of the tiny holes have finish in them. I also pull and clean the needle, reinsert.
Sometimes the lid is a little hard to remove from the cup, but no problems with the contents.
Thanx, you are right no problem with the performance with the spray job and finish.!!!
This is a little off-topic, but if you're looking for a good excuse to get away from work, just call your boss and tell him/her that the "voices" told you to stay home and clean your guns. He/she doesn't need to know they are spray guns. ;-)
"He was a quiet man"!
I worked for an "artist" in a metal sculptuer studio doing all the "well how do I do this then". She would leave paint in her guns for days. She bought a lot of cheep guns.
OK that didn't help. Did it?
What the cool guy air brush artists would do is have a jar of "thinner/solvent" near by and when finished for a time just switch jars and spray solvent through the gun and then maybe again just before continuing later.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
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