does anyone have a good way of clamping /assembling the different angles that are used in constructing corner units? or variances in joinery that would also assist in this area? Attaching the back is always a challenge without just nailing it into place. and if it is a sizeable unit, the degree of difficulty increases. any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Edited 5/16/2002 7:49:12 PM ET by ROGUE2608
I've not built a corner unit yet, but I did re-juvenate one recently that was pretty big -- about 6-1/2' tall, 30-some-odd across the front. It was made in someone's home workshop, and they had used staples to fasten the backs on, and I was amazed at how strongly they were held in place. They were close to 1/2" long as I recall. I had to re-glue the face-frame on the front, and to get leverage from the back (where the corner is), I used 90-degree molding -- a full strip from top to bottom, and one of the band-type clamps, which uses a nylon web strap held together and tightened with a ratcheting mechanism.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
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