Canister for Delta 50-840 Dust Collector

I have a Delta 50-840 (1 HP) dust collector and would like to upgrade it with a canister filter. The problem is that the rim is 14 5/8 in diameter and I can’t find a canister which will fit. I have tried Delta (13 3/16), Penn State (13.5 – 14.5) and Jet (14) and none of them are big enough. Does anybody know of anyone who makes a canister which will fit? Thanks.
Try American Air Filter
I upgraded a two-bag collector to a canister on top, and was unhappy with the result. The issue was that the canister filter clogged almost immediately -- within one bag full of sawdust. Cleaning the inside of a canister is a pain. You'll notice that when manufacturers build canister-based chip collectors, they always include some sort of beater device which cleans the filter. I'd strongly suggest you adapt the canister-plus-cleaning-mechanism from some other chip collector. You can make an interface donut. It would be a piece of plywood big enough to connect to the collecter, with a hole appropriate to the filter.
Do you think this is because there is really no effective separation and there is no where for the material to collect on the surface of the bag. When you power down most of the material drop down into the lower bag. Most cyclones have several feet of "swirl" length. Our little dust pumps are lucky to have 4" of actual swirl length.Don
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