Anyone tried this for a CA accelerator??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)
Anyone tried this for a CA accelerator??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)
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Fine trick!Thank You.
Hey Mike,
Seems I try that once on some SG. Only sprayed.. a surface drop of SG.. with baking soda and water, no go. Maybe I did not have enought BS with the water. I'll try again........ Merry Christmas to you,
I've done it with straight dry baking soda but you do tend get particles in any excess glue. Which didn't matter in a balsa plane. But you can also build up a joint that way.It makes CA a gap filling glue. Not sure how strong it is, but it works for model planes. But it is also accelerated just by your breath if you lean in close, just the water vapor does it.
Well, I tried it yesterday and it did nothing. Did not speed up the setting time at all.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
Mike, sells an accelerator, but I don't know if it works only with their CA glues. It is an aerosol.
How old is the glue? Most have a short shelf life like <1 year. I've noticed old glue take longer to set or it never sets. And how long has it been open? Being open seems to age it faster.Edward
My CA glue is less than 6 months old. I have regular accelerator and it works instantly.
I mixed one tablespoon of baking soda in one cup of water and it had no effect what so ever. I wet both edges of the board with the solution then applied the CA then clamped. When I did that with the regular accelerator, it set almost immediately.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
Ok so the glue is good. I've never tried it mixed with anything so... try the dry baking soda on a test piece, or maybe a lot more baking soda per cup?? I can see the advantage of spraying, but wouldn't the water tend to raise the grain? Not that it takes a lot to set it.Edward
EF - you don't mix the glue with anything. The instructions say to make a solution of Baking soda and water. Put that on first then the glue.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
I wasn't clear, but I meant I've never mixed the baking soda with anything, just used it as a dry powder.Edward
I put a finger pinch of BS on a drop of SG tonight.......nothing happen. Reminded me of makin flour glue when I was a kid. I used the Arm and Hammer stuff the wife had in the fridge. Maybe it needs to be fresh????...Dale
You tried it; I tried it - have we squelched this rumor or what?
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
I can't speak for an accelerator, but I have been using it as a filler for years.
last week I cut myself on my wrist, quite badly..a sharp edge of a copper chimney support box..
I live quite aways from any ER..and i was a man with a mission (raining, hole in the roof, wife watching etc.)
CA glue to the rescue ( Viet nam stitches, I call it)
I had no dissenfectant, no real bandages, but paper towels and a tube of CA..I needed an accelerant, the blood was plentiful, but not closing the gap..
I saw a bottle of windex (with ammomia) worked!
I spritzed some after the first application of glue, and reapeated till the wound was closed ( NOT BLEEDING OUT) applied sone papre towel, more glue, more spritze of windex..till I had a servicable homemade clot..
no infection, just healed like a paper cut, sure I'll show a scar grander than a suture job, but hey, it saved the day..
I carry "superglue" in every tool box, truck, car..anywhere I might encounter a wound..
BTW, spit works if nothing else is around, it cures from moisture, but is not as sterile as windex {G}
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
I have accelerator, just wondering if the baking soda trick worked. At $9 for 8 ozs, it's pretty expensive!
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
I think the accelerator is some sort of an alcohol base. I put a match to some and the accelerator put off a black smoke that reminded my of my childhood chemistry set's wick burner. I believe THEY have the accelerator perfumed up so to disguise the goodies. My regular shop alcohol didn't work.....Maybe your post will prompt someone who knows to "spill the beans".........Dale
Check out this site below and read under the heading of "Cyanoacrylate Accelerators"
I've tried acetone with no luck, gotta try the isopropyl alchol, is that rubbing alchol??...Dale
Interesting article, but re-read the section you mention about the accelerator, the acetone or alcohol are only the solvents for the base (as in acid/base chemistry not glue base):"The active species is generally a base that is capable of initiating the cure of the cyanoacrylate adhesive." That is why the baking soda works -it is a base.
With the baking soda just very light dusting of it with the dry powder, I used to just use a soldering flux bush and kind of dip the brush in the dry powder and then flick it at the CA. Kind of like flicking a paint brush your cleaning at some dry paper to see if any color(paint) is left in the brush. You don't want to actually touch the glue or you'll glue the brush to the joint.
You all really should try the baking soda! It only costs ~$1.50 for 2 pounds, and it works.Edward
Hi EF,
Yup I miss that important part of the verbiage, not the first time. I caught it later last night but was to sleepy to repost, (wanted to see if anyone was paying attention, : " >)..
I'll be doing some sanding in a few days and will try the BS trick with an acid brush. Wonder if you mix BS with acetone or alcohol if it will kick the SG??.......Dale
There is a RX-only sterile CA product for bonding skin called Dermabond
see It is kind of pricey at ~$37 per 1/2 ml.EdwardEdited 12/7/2004 1:56 am ET by EF
Edited 12/7/2004 1:56 am ET by EF
I found my over 20 year old bottle of super glue accelerator in a closet this morning. It is left over from my radio control days. I'm not sure if it is still available but it is called "Zip Kicker" and was marketed by Pacer Technology and Resources, Inc. Campbell, CA.
The label states it contains Trichlorotriflouroethane, aromatic amine, acetone and fragrance. This stuff worked really well, particularly with a fresh bottle of super glue.
For what it's worth, I remember reading years ago that impurities, either naturally present or added, are what assist super glue in instantly curing.
Trichlorotriflouroethane was banned by the SNAP treaty of 1992 to be phased out totally by 1996. Was commonly used for cleaning electrical components. It is ozone depleting.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
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