BSaw: MiniMaxS16, Lag.LT16, General 17″
Hi all,
I’m a newbie to this group, and right now, just another woodworker here trying to decide what to buy in the bandsaw dept. Long story short: primarily a hobbyist who wants the best he can afford. Started thinking about a 14″, then decided to move up a notch, following the maxim “bigger is usually better,” and “buy the best you can afford.” Well, the Laguna 16HD or 18 are too much, and so are the Mini Max MM16 and MM20, so I’m looking at the new Laguna LT16, the new Mini Max S16 and the General International 17″, 940-02. I’m not really interested in either the Jet or Delta 18 inchers, since I’ve read too many negative things about both, though I know many feel that they’re both great saws.
I’ve read mixed reviews about the new LT16 from Laguna–made in Bulgaria for starters, and it’s causing me to steer clear. The only other saw in the Laguna line-up which fits my budget is the 14SE, but I’d like a little more. I’ve been on the phone today with the guys at Mini-Max, and their new S16 is essentially the same saw as the Laguna 16SE from a few years ago, manufactured by Meber. They’ve made a few changes to the design, however. First, they’ve changed the steel trunnions to cast iron, so that sounds like it’s an improvement. They’ve also incorporated what they term a two piece welded steel column, which according to Mini-Max isn’t a feature found on most Laguna saws, and ostensibly, this provides more rigidity when resawing, which makes sense to me.
They have a nylon rack and pinion system, a nylon rack with a steel gear. This is an option. From reading reviews of past users of the old LT16SE, this was a point of contension, but not a deal breaker. It also has a cast iron fence, which I believe the old LT16SE has as well, while the new LT16 has aluminum. It only has a -5 degree tilt, which does seem to be a drawback.
Here’s the kicker: the current price of the S16 is $1395, before shipping, which is $200 off the regular price. By adding the foot brake and rack and pinion (which isn’t standard), that adds the price another $75, and with $200 for shipping, that brings in the total for $1670–a lot of money. Most on the forums have said buy as much as you can, which I agree with. For me, I was initially looking at a 14″ and decided I wanted more power and resaw capacity. I can afford $1670, but I can’t afford going another $500 to get the MM16, or the Laguna 18. I’m a bit torn, since I’m certain this S16 will be a great saw for me, but at that price, plus an additional $$$ for a mobile base from HTC, I’m looking at over $1700. The only real negative I see is the price and the fact that the saw can’t tilt 10 degrees to the left, plus I think the low table could be a pain, but workable. I’ve also had my eyes on a 2HP 17″ General International at a local dealer. I’ve seen it fired up–seems to be a great saw. Has steel trunnions however. The rack and pinion is steel though and the other plus for me is that it tilts 10 degrees to the left, which would allow for making pins for dovetail joints. Table is cast iron. The price is a bit easier to swallow too. With taxes, and delivery charges, it’ll run me $1200. I’ll still need to get a mobile base, add roughly $75. The other nice feature of the S16 is that it will come with three blades–the General comes with one only. So, for me, it’s looking like a difference between these two saws of around $400, $1275 vs $1700+. I can afford both, but it sounds to me like the S16 is a bit overpriced. However, they state that a price increase is coming due to the inflated price of cast iron and steel all across the world, which I feel is most likely legitimate. Incidentally, the package deal that Laguna is offering for the LT16 is $1795, includes the resaw king blade, three other blades, mobility kit, foot brake and “free shipping,” just as a point of comparison, though I’ve pretty much ruled that saw out.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Here are some links for these different saws.
Mini Max S16
Review of the OLD LT16, currently the Mini Max S16, manufactured by Meber.
The new LT16
General International 17″ 90-240
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I can't vouch for the service that General provides, but I can tell you that the folks at Minimax are on the ball and really do their best in order to have a happy customer.
Jim (the owner) knows that good service is vital to growing a company and bad service will kill one quicker than anything else. You really can't go wrong with a MM tool. However it's a shame you can't go the extra $500 for a MM16. I sure like mine.
BTW, I think you did right in eliminating the Bulgarian made Laguna saw.
I am interested in any information regarding the Laguna 16HD. Where is it made, is there comparative information relative to others in its class, does anyone have info on ease of use, accuracy and set up issues?
I bought the Delta 18 last summer, used the Laguna a few months later, now I wish I had bought the Laguna, very good machine.
Good morning. I don't own any of these saws but I sure would like the MM. I was looking at your links and the prices that I saw where $1295 for the Laguna 16 and $1695 for the MM S16. I don't know if there is a special that I couldn't see but that is a fair amount of dollar difference. Another thing that I wonder about but did not see the information on is what brand of motors are on the saws. I am pretty sure that the Laguna has a Baldor but not sure about the MM. In my opinion the General is not in at all the same category and if you want the best that you can afford then buy quality and avoid the General. I would not rule out the Laguna because of where it is made. Any thing made in a subcontracted out factory only lacks quality because the seller [Laguna, MM, General] lets the item be that way. IF the quality control people want top notch then that is what they accept, but if they need inexpensive then quality suffers. Either way I would get the best saw available and maybe just make a inexpensive mobile base, and get what you want in the future. Peter
These are all good saws. I've used the General 17" briefly. It's smooth, very quiet and has good power. I can't imagine anyone feeling hard done by with it. In terms of value this is a tough one to beat.
I wanted a bit more saw, the bandsaw is the most used tool in my shop. I ended up buying the General 18". I believe it is about the same price as the other 2 you are looking at.
It's my opinion that Laguna is overpriced and there is to much grumbling about customer service for me to feel comfortable with them.
I received a promo flyer from MiniMax earlier this month which had the S16 on sale for $1395 including 3 blades. Might be worth a call to see if the promo is still on. I can vouch for MM's sales and service ........... bought their smallest saw, the S14 last fall and have been well pleased.
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