Ok, chatted about many tiems but I am looking for an altenrate TS blade recommendation. I have purchased only Forrest Woodworker II blades for my TS. A bit pricey I know but on various sites and videos I seem to see differnt types used by the “pros”
Which blade all purpose ( rip and X cut) blades with a flat bevel do you folks prefer.
Thanks in advacne for your time
Lots of brands are good. Amana, Timberline, Skarpaz, Everlast, Leitz, Gladu, Freud, etc. Folks read too much between the lines when they see some TV or some web woodworker using a particular blade, they think it's the only one.
Flat top blades are pretty much rip blades, less teeth also.
Alternating bevel and or triple chip are cross cut, more teeth.
Get some of the catalogs and just read through them and you will find a lot of basic info.
I thi8nk Forrest has a new blaed out with alternating bevels BUT has a few teeth with the flat bevel to avoid the "v' as a compromise to allow for better cross cuts
I think Infinity has a 50 T with ATB and flat tooth also. But.. I suggest if you are going all purpose stick with 40 T ATB unless you rip a lot and especially thick stock. If you do go with a flat tooth in 24 T. And If you are looking for what is the best blade under $50 in 40 T IMO.. have a look at the 40 T Oshlun at Holbren. For $25 this is a lot of bang for the buck IMO as it preforms like most $60-$75 blades I discovered.
Good luck...
Woodworkers' Guild of Georgia
Today I took a couple blades to the sharpener and were my DW bought me a Lancashire blade 20 years ago. It has made 2 houses and a few reno's. They just laughed, that it still had all original teeth. It has been back a few times over the years. New Replacement blade $55. I also had a Tenyru spl. that I got with my Makita 10 inch SCMS. It had been put though the paces last few months including Frankin Floor. That is one ars kick blade. It leaves cuts as smooth as well you know!!!I don't have a link but Google lancashire Distributions. They have been in Canada for 25+ years and now have a wharehouse in Montana or North Dakota. I have bought lots of hard woods High end ply. they have never done me wrong.I have a Freud glue line that is for special occasions. and a Exchage a Blade in other TS and MS seem to be good for price.
If you have a local sharpener go buy a blade from them and you will get a lifetime service.
I have many old blades.. My Freud's are all I need..
Especially after a rip my 'sticks warp anyway!
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