I’m considering buying a new bench mortiser. I read the 8/’05 FWW tool test article whereas General and Woodtek were chosen as Best Overall, and Best Value. I presume that Steel City didn’t have a product to be reviewed at the time? Well I don’t own any Woodtek or General Tools, and need some feed back from you guys before making a purchase. Any recommendations?
Many thanks!
I read that article and I have had the Jet morticer for a few years. I personally like the Steel City machine. I saw one at Woodcraft and I was impressed with the table design. The price is about the same as the Jet and the larger Delta I believe. If you can put you hand on one I think you'll buy the Steel City. Hope this helps.
Thanks... I too saw the Steel City @ my local Woodcraft and liked what I saw. I've been relying on the commentary from this site on previous tool purchases, and have been extremely satisfied w/ the varied opinions.
I don't think you'll go wrong with the Steel City. I have been quite impressed with every Steel City machine I have seen. They seem to give a lot of value to me.
I own the SC and am very happy with it. It has a number of innovative features and is solidly made. I'm told the Powermatic is very similar, but here in Canada I haven't been able to see one -- and it's probably more expensive.
I suggest you also look at the Powermatic it is a great machine too- my local dealer sells it for about $360 - more than the SC but it has some features that are nicer.
Tom Hintz had a good review of it- check the archives
10/4 will do.
The SC is a great machine. I have had mine for over a year and it works just fine. I have seen the PM machine and I think it is made in the same factory in China. It has a few more bells and whistles, but I am not sure if it comes with a set of bits and chisels like the SC. It is suppose to have a more powerful motor, 3/4 instead of 1/2hp. I think you would be happy with either machine. I liked the General but it was $200 more at the time.
The PM I have was made in Taiwan and has a 1 HP motor that rotates at 1725 RPM. Probably a different model than what you are referring to. If I had one complaint, it is the vice that clamps the work piece in a traveling carriage is rather stiff and even though it has a knob to spin the wheel, you need to support the wheel on both sides. It also cannot put the mortise in at an angle like the new ones do.
Edited 4/26/2008 9:20 pm ET by Tinkerer3
We are talking about two different machines. The 701 is the benchtop model with a 3/4hp motor and sells for about $400 the 719 is the floor model with a 1hp motor and sells for about $800. The benchtop is the one that looks just like the SC machine. These are the only two mortisers that PM currently sells, you may have an older model from a different factory that made one for PM.
Yes, I think mine is the 719 but did not come with the base. I think the base was optional. I made my base from old bed frames and sheet steel. Think I could have made it a little smaller but otherwise it is okay.
10/4.... and thanks
I see you're getting good feedback on the Steel City, which is a really nice machine. I bought one quite awhile back when I had some extra tool money burning a hole in my pocket. The stock supports are its main advantage over the Powermatic. The tooless (toolless?) adjustments and bigger motor are the PM's advantages. Question would be, is the PM in your budget??
With the SC's big table and stock supports, I wouldn't consider any of the usual suspects (Delta, Jet, Shop Fox, etc.). They pale in comparison, as the saying goes. I still haven't done a project with mine, but with all these positive reviews going around, including a friend of mine who has one, feel confident it'll do a good job when the time comes.
the positive feedback on the SC confirms my initial purchase thoughts. The PM may be a touch better, however for my purposes the SC will be the choice. I'm learning that these puppies are a bit difficult to come by. The local non- chain, and Woodcraft stores are all out. Not even a demo???
Really a drag that there's a supply problem on these mortisers. Seems I heard (read) something similar about the jointers. When things like this happen, it's usually a manufacturing hiccup or a sudden unexpected increase in demand. Maybe Sarge can find out for us what's happening. He has a black-and-gold phone in his office that goes direct to Steel City, ROFL!
SC's toll free number is 877-724-8665, don't know if you could get any info from the daily soldiers there or not.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 4/28/2008 12:23 pm by forestgirl
I'd be interested to hear what's " really" up.
Thanks for the response
I just got a timley e-mail from Forest Girl as to the availability of SC bench morticers and jointers. I gave Jim Box (head of technical) a call to check.. he called back almost instantly and here's the poop....
SC bench morticers are due around early May.. 8" parallegram jointers are due around June. Both are top sellers and demand has out-run supply based on projection. And keep in mind when you are dealing with import from over-seas that ETA's are a tenative date based on track record from past experience as many factors can come into play.
Edited 4/28/2008 1:38 pm ET by SARGEgrinder47
Yeah, Sarge! Thanks for the info. For the sake of future searches, I'm going to insert a couple of key words here, and a link to your post:
Steel City mortiser
Scheduled arrivals:http://forums.taunton.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=fw-knots&msg=41495.22
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 4/28/2008 9:31 pm by forestgirl
Edited 4/28/2008 9:33 pm by forestgirl
Based on the review in FWW, I bought the Woodtek 1 hp table mortiser. It arrived well packed, but the assembly instructions left much to my imagination. I figured out how to assemble it by looking at the very poor pictures as there were no detailed instructions.
The main problem I have with it is that the motor will not stay in the up position while re-positioning the wood being mortised. I have to raise the hold-down to hold the bit clear. Or else I need three hands. Surely there is a simple way to accomplish moving the work. Another problem is that the depth stop slips if I put too much force on it. In other words, the cutter can easily be forced too deep. I have to clamp down hard on the depth stop to get it to hold.
This is my first Woodtek tool and I was disappointed. The instructions are nothing like Jet or Powermatic.
Thanks.... I'm glad I asked. I don't own any Woodtek tools and appreciate the feedback
I own a SC. Thanks to FG.
Of course, the first series of mortises I cut the board was too tall to fit on the the table. So I first looked into buying the riser block from SC. Then (without reading the manual) I realized I could rotate the head 180 degrees. I had to clamp it securely to the bench but it worked.
The second set of mortises I cut were easy in comparison since I was able to use the mortiser as it was intended to. It seemed a little tough to get the chisels going. So I stopped and polished and honed all the chisels. Yes, my bad for not doing this first. But I also like to see how a tool will perform before things are tweaked. After that, the mortises cut nice and clean.
I had to cut some mortises into end grain at one point. Again I I rotated the head and clamped it to bench. Made a quick auxilarly fence/support. The auxilary fence hung off the edge of the bench since the pieces were 30 or so inches long. Worked like a charm.
The motor runs smooth. The feed is smooth. The large table is a plus and the extensions were a big help. The one thing I don't like is the fence adjustment but that may be due to semantics. They call it "micro-adjustable." I expect to make a full turn to move the fence maybe 1/16th at the most to be "micro-adjustable." The rack and pinon is so large that a single rotation moves the fence about an inch.
The chisels SC provides have a different bezel angle than say Delta. Most off the shelf sold honing cones are meant for the Delta style. I contacted SC for the correct angle to try and find a honing cone but never received a reply to either my phone call or email. Not a big deal but some response would have been nice. Even one to say "We don't know."
Hope this helps.
"You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time. " J. S. Knox
Thank you !.... great information.
I checked w/ my local Woodcraft for availibility and learned that thy are on back order. The manager said a ' manufacturing problem in China", and has no idea when delivery is expected? I also called two local, non- chain tool stores, and they were 'out ' as well.
Thanks again.... Chips
I have the General International (base model about $400 Cdn & change) and am very happy with it ...
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