Belt / Disc Sanders – good ones?

I need to get a belt / disc sander. My old one is very old, and beginning to die. Not worth a new motor. Someone said the Rikon was good with a 6 inch belt and 10″ disc. I don’t need anything much larger, if any larger at all.
Anyone have any experience to recommend Rikon, or any other brand? Whatever I get, I want it to work, good alignment, etc., etc.
Alan – planesaw
Planesaw --I've had a Delta 6 inch belt/12 inch disc floor model for about six years and like it a lot -- generous table, functional adjustments, power takeoff shaft, stable/hefty stand. I'm no fan of Delta tools, but this is one I would buy again and recommend. I was surprised to find Delta makes several models of belt-disc sanders from hobby quality to industrial. I got mine for the right price on a promotion with Woodcraft or I'd probably have looked at the Grizzly. The machine isn't a high-tech wonder, but it does need to be beefy. My suggestion is to look at the hardware before you commit to one brand or another. Nothing like actually puting your hand on it before deciding. The dust control isn't too good, but it's a sander!
Model number 31-280.
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