I normally buy my carved mouldings from Campbell (this is the one I need)–http://www.e-moulding.com/gw/gw831.htm–but they’re out for two months. I ordered some White River moulding that was comparable, not knowing that I’d be getting some embossed stuff that looks terrible.
Enkeboll, besides being expensive, doesn’t have anything small enough for my needs. I’m looking for something that is about 1/2″ x 5/8″ or so for use as a panel moulding.
Do you guys have any suggestions where to look?
Make it yourself.. get a shaper and buy the wood..
Frenchy, did you look at the pic/diagram on the page he provided? How, exactly, do you use a shaper to make that? I'm curious! Don't know much about the extended abilities of shapers.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
you'd make it in stages. using differant cutters to make the profile and then a modified plug cutter to make the "buttons" If he needs just a little bit he could measure every button amd using a drill press set to the correct depth cut each one. If he needs a lot build a story board with holes drilled in at every location put a dowel in as a stop and move it for each "button"
with practice he should be able to kncok out 20 to 30 feet an hour..
Yeah, I could make it. I took a bit of the embossed moulding and tried my hand at carving it. I did a passable job, but I'm no woodcarver. I managed to turn out about 6feet in an hour. I need 160'. Let's see, if I pay myself 20 bucks an hour, (I like to pay much better than that, though) that's....let's see....160 divided by 6......times 20...equals WAY TOO MUCH FOR A PIECE OF MOULDING!!!
Did I mention I'm not much of a woodcarver?
Your idea of a modified plug cuter might be interesting, although I just want to buy the stuff.
Hand carving anything is tedious.
I'm suprised you achieved 6 feet an hour, you're much faster than I would be..
160 feet is a lot. I could do all of the shaper work in about an hour but I'd spend the better part of another hour building the jig to use the modified plug cutter quickly. then I doubt that I could do more than 30 feet an hour putting the buttons in..
If I needed it done sooner than I could buy it, it would be worth it to me.. Or if I were doing it for myself, then I don't figure my time as any cost, rather as untaxed achievement.
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