Is there any way to get dust collection to work on a Delta 14″ band saw? My shop is a mess after I finish a resawing session with walnut. In fact, is there any bandsaw with respectable dust collection potential?
I have a Penn State dust collection system that works well for all other shop tools. Incidently, Woodpeckers has an enclosure for mounting under a router table. It really works and has eliminated another source of mess. Now for the bandsaw. – I hope.
The Agazzani has two dust ports, but the one that matters is at the lower blade guides. The blade runs through a box, and the DC picks it up there. I can resaw 12" without any dust to notice. When I did this on my former Delta, get out the respirator and turn on the fans. Good luck.
Mimimax uses the same system. It works pretty good.The proof is in the puddin'
That sounds like a miracle1 Who sells the Agazzani? I've never seen it advertized.
My dealer was Eagle Tools, out of Southern California. Jesse, the owner, was a pleasure to deal with. AGazzani is made, for the base machine, by Mebor (I think that is the co.) which also makes Mini-Max, and possibly others. Then each co. tweaks their own brand individually.
I read somewhere that a woodworker replaced the dinky 2 1/2 inch dust port on his Delta 14 with a 4-inch port. He drilled a 4-inch hole in the lower guide housing near the blade, added a 4-inch duct and connected it to his DC system. He wrote that it helped substantially.
I'm not sure that spending a grand on a new Italian style bandsaw is the most effective solution to your immediate problem, but if you've got the cash go for it.
The primary problem with the Delta style machines is that the dust pick up is several inches below the table top and that the lower blade guard assembly is in the way of the sawdust, deflecting most of the dust stream away from the vac connection, which is a pathetic 1 1/4 inch diameter fitting on the Deltas. The solution is to catch the saw dust immediately under the table, right where the blade exits the wood.
The low tech way to do this is to take a shop vac crevice tool and clamp it to the front edge of the table with the tool's tip a fraction of an inch away from the blade. Hook the crevice tool to a shop vac and you'll capture virtually all of the dust. I just tried this on a Delta in our shop and there wasn't a spec of dust below the table after I ripped a length of fir. Most central dust collection systems tend to choke when hooked up to a shop vac fitting, using a shop vac will give much better pick up.
The crevice tool I used is available at any Home Depot in the Ridgid Shop Vac section and costs around five or six dollars.
John W.
Edited 6/23/2003 3:48:39 PM ET by JohnW
If my math is correct, this is a saving of about $995. Your suggestion sounds great. I'll try it.
Hi Jerry,
I cut a 3" hole in the top of the stand directly underneath the bottom of the door and fitted in some pvc fittings which connected to my dust collector. I then cut a notch in the bottom of the door.
Works great.
I also have a Delta saw and resawing always left me gasping for fresh air. Then I cut a 4" hole in the bottom door of the saw and installed a dust collection port to it. I hooked up my DC hose and vwalla!!! I can breath again. I think it cost me $5.00.
When I bought my 14" Delta in September, 1995, I bought with it Delta part #50-239 dust connector. It enables me to hook up my Oneida system with a 5" hose. It works quite well, and is simple to install. It cost $26.95 in 1995. If it's not available now, I could probably make a sketch of it for you to have one made by a sheet metal shop.
I cut the front edge of the lower door on my 14" Grizzly, bent the flange straight out and mounted a 2 1/4" X 10" X 5" HVAC register boot in it, works great. Here is a pic. Cost $4.
Edited 6/24/2003 6:07:28 PM ET by Terry H
Iturra Design sells a completely enclosed dust port for your bandsaw that hooks up to a 4" diameter dust collection system. The catalog is in my shop, so I don't have a price for you.
Believe it or not they do not have a web site, but they do have one of the best catalogs you'll ever read! (You'll know what I mean when you see it.)
Call Iturra at 888/ 722-7078. You can ask for owner Louis Iturra. Be sure to ask for a catalog!
Dan Kornfeld, Owner/President - Odyssey Wood Design, Inc.
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