Is it so that the whole of FWW is available to members online?
I am a member and have been trying to find an article from #63, 1986 called <!—-> <!—-> <!—->
Building an adjustable music stand
by Lance Patterson
But I can not find it. Can anyone help?
It looks like not ALL of FWW is available to members.
The article you mentioned is listed in the contents if issue 63 but does not appear anywhere.
Maybe one of the editors could enlighten us.
Some issues had articles submitted by non-staff. In the earlier days, the contract did not include copyright release for all future publications and media means: ie: in 1986 internet did not exist as we know it. My understanding is that Taunton only purchased rights for one time publication on these early publication articles. In going back, some authors could not be contacted; others wanted a price too high to justify making the article available to current readership.Greg
Exo 35:30-35<!---->
I keep getting adds from Taunton trying to sell me a DVD of the first 200 issues of FWW. Costs $150. What does it have you can't get through on-line membership. Thanks.
"What does it have you can't get through on-line membership."Up to today I thought that it would be merely a convenience. Now it seems that it has these articles which are not available on-line.
The same article is available in "The Best of Fine Woodworking Tradional Furniture Projects" ISBN 0-942391-93-4 which a quick internet search finds them available for around $10.00 plus shipping. The is also a "New Best of fFine Woodworking Traditional Furniture Projects" but I don't know if it is the same as the old one. The above ISBN is for the correct publication
Edited 1/25/2009 8:48 pm ET by RonK
Google has that article from the book "Traditional Furniture Projects";,M1
Always worth giving google a shot.
thanks a lot, this is a great help,
Great. Good luck. Post some pics as you progress.
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