I recently made a score of 16- 8′, 1×6 ARCedar for hauling. While I couldn’t pass it up I got to thinking what the heck to do with it.
In my life as a woodworker I’ve mostly used it for linings in chests, closets and maybe a few holiday turnings.
My question is does any one have ideas or photos of any other use for this wood to share? No hillbilly out houses ok.
The wood as you guys know is very busy in appearance and smelly to say the least.
Probably the best use is as lining of chest and closets but I’m hoping for an idea I’ve never thought of.
as your stock is 1x6 it would probably be wasteful to use as lining. i have seen, and once built, a full size blanket chest made with that stuff. you probably have enough lumber to make a domed lid or a square one with storage space in it.
I've made some really nice adirondack chairs out of it.
Very interesting. How did it weather? By that I mean did it change to a nicer appearence being Cedar, aging well naturally and/or did you need to give it any special finish?
Do you have any photos of how they've aged?
it can be left unfinished. It will turn light gray if it is left out exposed to rain and Sun.It is pretty weak and brittle, but those chairs are built pretty hefty. Of course you know that any sapwood will decay rapidly.
As Keith said, the wood will turn silvery gray if left unfinished. I coated mine with a few coats of spar varnish. Attached is a pic showing one chair in cedar, one in sasafrass. The cedar one is about 4 years old now and stays in the weather year round on an open deck. I recoated it--although it didn't really need it--about 2 years ago. A similar design was in FWW a while back.
Attached is a picture of a chest and a chair that I have made with the material you describe. Both of these reside in my Granddaughters bed room. Two or three coats of clear gloss or satan urethane is all the finish they require to maintain the appearance you see, as long as they are not left outdoors. Besides the natural state is beautiful!!
Thank you very, very pretty.
I guess my problem with using cedar as a primary show wood is obvious. While it looks great and very interesting it will always have a very strong appearance.
I will continue my quest.
This is a chest I built about 25 years ago. I think the finish was tung oil. Since the wood is so soft it has picked up some dings and nicks over the years. That just adds character.
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I had trouble coming up with a joint for the corners of the case that was strong and would work in cedar. Hence the butt joint with maple splines. The beading around the base was cut with a homemade scratch stock. That worked well in the cedar.
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Nice looking! How often do you tung oil the chest?
It's been so long I don't remember. I'd guess probably 9 or 10 years ago. Of course at my age it may have been just last week, but I don't think so.
GeorgeYou don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing. - Michael Pritchard<!----><!----><!---->
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