Got these on ebay, for $0.01 and $10, after shipping.
The don’t seem to be what I thought they were, any ideas what these are used for?
Got these on ebay, for $0.01 and $10, after shipping.
The don’t seem to be what I thought they were, any ideas what these are used for?
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I saw them listed yesterday or the day before.
Yes the are, but for a slot mortiser. If the shank diameter is right, you could use them in a router(large). Great deal, if they work...
After further viewing, they look like 18-20mm shanks 5/8-3/4"... somewhere around there
Edited 11/27/2004 7:57 pm ET by migraine
I've seen similar bits on a European slot mortiser (don't recall the brand name). You have to have a machine and collet to fit.
They look similar to my Clico slot mortising bits. They are MM in size.
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
Those are clearly horizontal slot mortising bits and judging from the picture I would say the shank is 15 mm. Slot mortisers have a 2 jaw adjustable collet unlike your router which is a fixed 1/2" max so you cannot use them in a router plus they are designed for a much lower speed, say around 3,600 to 5,000 rpm. They are also desinged to run in either direction. I have used such bits in slot mortisers but actuall y prefer HSS end mills as they seem to cut easier and ane are a heck of a lot cheaper to buy and can be sharpened for around $6 at my local sharpening service. Pictured is a Bini slot mortiser one the many I've used over the years. All the shops around here use such machines with end mills.
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