I’m an amateur woodworker and myyoungest son has taking an interest. So for the kindergarten science fair, he has decided to do some experiments with wood.
He’s going to pound nails into different woods to demonstrate differing hardness, place woods in a pan of water to see if they sink or float, and exhibit woods of differing colors.
I’ve got all the wood he needs from maple to oak, mahogany, walnut, cherry, lacewood, ipe and ebony. What I need is a source, online or book form, that explains why some woods sink or float, why they are differing hardnesses and why their color and grain varies from species to species.
Any thoughts?
FWIW, the experiments are all his idea and he’ll be doing the cutting, mounting etc. He’s just learning to read though, so I’ll be reading any source material to him so he can write and draw the pictures. Therefore I am not necessarily looking for a kids book.
Hello Pino,
The book for you , your son,and the rest of us is called "Understanding Wood " by R. Bruce Hoadley, printed by the Taunton Press , ISBN 1-56158-358-8.It will be good for the rest of his life, and no woodworm should be without it.
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