Okay, so I’m sitting here with no flakes (to make a stronger batch) and a two pound cut in my hands. This is a piece I intend to shellac only. How many brushed-on apps would you consider an adequate build?
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wildly differant.. that's like trying to decribe a beautiful woman.. Do what you want..
Do what I want?
With Elliot Spitzer's endorsement?
What was it Roosevelt said? "I hate war! My wife Elinor hates war! and my son, Elliot likes a little piece too"
Are you going for a French polish or an Italian buff?
Sorry 'bout that 2 pound cut in your hand. Just pour some shellac on it, preferrably a 6 pound cut. Then you won't need stitches!
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/17/2008 12:32 pm ET by KiddervilleAcres
I could go for an Italian buff, speshally iffn she was a she.
I agree with frenchy. It is very, very subjective. You don't want it nearly as thick as the six coats of Epifanes that I put on teak brightwork. Othewise, it's purely a matter of taste, though if the goal is retarding the passage of water vapor, within limits, more is better.
At least two. The first one is basically a sealer coat. It will raise the grain a little, which will need to be sanded. The second one covers that up. From that point on, it depends on the look you want, how the piece is going to be handled, etc.
Guess I'm okay then. I'm up to my fifth light coat with this two pound cut. Guess I can cure out for a day. That's the time for a rubdown. Spitzer's girlfriend will do fine for that. When I recover, I'll polish out the piece and see how it looks. Later.
Even just fantasizing about Spitzer's girlfriend is will cost you $300/hr. ;-)
Wow. Hmmmm. I already owe ...................................................... WOW!!!
This may sounds like a silly question, but then again it is St. Patricks Day. :>)
Could one build up already mixed shellac from a 2 lb. cut to a 3-4 lb. cut by simply letting the alcohol evaporate?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Yes, but there is a risk: Leaving a container of shellac open will allow the alcohol to absorb water from the air, and too much water will reduce the quality of the shellac film. So, ship your 2-lb. shellac to Death Valley, let it evaporate as desired, then ship it back.
Also, I don't know why you'd want to do it at all, as a 2-lb. cut is about the heaviest that you'd want to use for application; anything heavier is generally thinned to 2-lb. or less before application.
I rarely use shellac as a finish coat. I was under the impression that finishers used 3 or 4 lb. cuts.
I use shellac all the time as an interface for various finishes. It' a miracle compound as far as I'm concerned. But I generally finish my pieces with an oil base like Waterlox.
Ya know, you get comfortable with something, how it looks and handles, and you don't divert from it very much. In this particular case, I decided to do something a bit different, hence I ended up with a shellac finish.
If this turns out well, I may employ it more often as a finish. But I said "IF" it turns out. And I don't know how it'll turn out, what with my being so nervous. I guess I should take down that picture of Ms. Dupre while I'm applying a finish. Might put some steadiness back in my hands.
Or you could put up a life size version of this shot. The blood being redirected away from your brain should cause you to worry less about the finish.
$4300 for that????????? Sure could get some nice WWing equipt. for $4300.
Hey she is a lot better looking than my ex-wife and she cost me a looooooooooot more than $4300. :^o
Actually she looks almost exactly like a girl I dated for a couple of years when I was in my early twenties. I don't think I spent even half that on her the entire time. Maybe I should have.
Yes, Rob. I do buleeve that would distract me from all concerns about ... about ... uh ..... what was it we were discussing?
Where am I?
And how did I end up in a woodworking forum?
Is this the twilight zone?
We were discussing something?
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