I’ve got to fix up the trim in my house which is finished with amber shellac. The nail holes are currently filled with some sort of filler that is more than obvious. They are finish nails, not brads, by the way.
Any idea on how to improve on this? I was looking for a touch-up wax crayon that matches amber shellac but haven’t really found the right one. Does anyone have a source for one?
Or would a wood filler be better?
I know someone’s gonna ask what kind of wood and I’m not really sure. There are no knots but some figure – maybe oak? Dunno.
Thanks for any help.
Minwax and others make a color putty. There are many colors and they can be kneaded together for other colors. Take a nail set and push in or dig out the old filler. The color putty is pushed in and the excess buffed off with a clean rag. It's recommended that you put a finish coat over the putty. Very easy to use on finished materials but don't use it on raw wood. HD carries Minwax as do many lumber yards.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Aren't there shellac sticks that you melt for things like this? I know the Furniture Doctor sells something like that. You might search their website.
Aren't there shellac sticks that you melt for things like this?
Yes, they are commonly called "burn-in sticks" and there are several, but not a lot, of sources for them. You have to have a burn-in knife or something similar in order to use them, though. Small amounts are melted onto the hot knife blade and then pressed into the damaged area. It's a definite learned skill to do it like the pros. I've only done a little bit of it and would recommend trying it out on scrap first.
Behlens/Mohawk manufactors them. You usually have to find a dealer who carries either of those brands, though.
Heinrich Konig & Company http://cdkonig.com sells them. I believe that they make their own, but am not positive about that.
Merit Industries http://meritindustries.com also makes and sells burn-in sticks.
You can order direct from Mohawk: http://www.mohawkfinishing.comThey have great products and several formulations of burn-in sticks.
If you have a scrap of the wood....take some sandings and put in enough shellac to make a soft ball and use that to fill your holes...
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